Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws initiated by zoledronic acid, potential pathophysiology. A systematic review
2020 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [sv]
Syfte: Syftet med den systematiska översikten är att granska och sammanställa
tillgänglig kunskap om cellulära mekanismer involverade i utvecklingen av
läkemedelsrelaterad osteonekros i käkarna orsakad av zoledronsyra.
Material och metod: En systematisk översikt. En elektronisk sökning gjordes i
databaserna MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus den 3e juni 2019.
Resultat: Totalt 804 artiklar identifierades, varav 11 inkluderades i fulltext utifrån
inklusion- och exklusionskriterier. Samtliga artiklar studerade olika humana celler
in-vitro. Denna studie har funnit att zoledronsyra i varierande koncentrationer
ökade apoptos, minskade migration och proliferation hos epitelceller, fibroblaster,
osteoblaster, endotelceller och stamceller från pulpan vilket vidare påverkar
homeostasen lokalt i vävnaden. Zoledronsyrans effekter var både koncentration-
och tidsberoende.
Slutsats: Läkemedelsrelaterad osteonekros i käkarna är mest troligt en
multifaktoriell process innefattande förlängd sårläkning, kronisk inflammation
och förändrad benremodellering till följd av behandling med zoledronsyra. Vidare
forskning behövs för att kartlägga exakt patofysiologi i syfte till att kunna
optimera omhändertagandet och behandlingsmetod.
Abstract [en]
Aim: The aim of this systematic review was to present an up to date review of
available publications investigating the cellular mechanisms initiating the
development of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw caused by zoledronic
Material and method: A systematic review. Electronic searches of
MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus were conducted on the 3rd of June 2019.
Results: A total of 804 publications were identified, of which 11 were eligible for
the inclusion criteria and were therefore included in this study. All the included
studies were in vitro studies investigating various human cells. The current review
found that zoledronic acid in various concentrations increased apoptosis,
decreased migration and proliferation of epithelial cells, fibroblasts, osteoblasts,
endothelial cells and dental pulp stem cells and therefore can affect local tissue
homeostasis. The consequences of zoledronic acid were found to be both time and
dose dependent.
Conclusion: The pathophysiology of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw
is in all likelihood a multifactorial process involving prolonged wound healing,
chronic inflammation and altered bone remodeling, following administration of
zoledronic acid. Further research is needed to identify the exact pathophysiology
to optimize management and treatment.
Key words: medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, MRONJ,
pathophysiology, zoledronate, zoledronic acid.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö universitet/Odontologiska fakulteten , 2020. , p. 41
Keywords [en]
Läkemedelsrelaterad osteonekros i käkarna, patofysiologi, zoledronat, zoledronsyra.
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-19662Local ID: 32350OAI:, id: diva2:1479506
Educational program
OD Tandläkarutbildning
2020-10-272020-10-272022-06-27Bibliographically approved