Spatial variations in the microfibril angle (MFA) of cellulose are mapped on individual radial sections of wood from the maturing stems of Australian tree species (Acacia floribunda, Acacia suaveolens, Acacia doratoxylon, Acacia havilandiorum, Brachychiton populneus and Bertya cunninghamii) from different rainfall and soil nutrient availabilities using synchrotron wide angle X-ray scattering. For the three species with the smallest radial variation there is a clear linear relationship between the MFA with Young's modulus and wood density with data published previously for these samples. The other three samples show a large radially symmetric variation in MFA across the radial section either having a continuous change from large MFA in the stem's centre to small value close to the bark or the reverse, small MFA at the centre to larger values close to the bark. For these samples, a strong linear correlation between the Young's modulus and density and the MFA is not apparent. We conclude that spatially localised measurements of MFA provide an important insight in the adaptation of wood tissue to environmental conditions.