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Occupational Match: Over- and Undereducation Among Immigrants in the Swedish Labor Market
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), Department of Global Political Studies (GPS).ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1595-4360
2011 (English)In: Journal of International Migration and Integration, ISSN 1488-3473, E-ISSN 1874-6365, Vol. 12, p. 349-367Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this article is to study the differences in the match/mismatch of education and job level as well as the differences between the native and immigrant population in the occupational match. A distinction is made between educational levels and general and vocational education. A sample consisting of native Swedes and nine immigrant groups, based on register data, was selected for analysis. Descriptive statistics are presented and analyzed as well as logistic regression analysis controlling for basic human capital and immigrant specific variables. The main conclusions of the article are that there are considerable differences between vocational and general education in the match/mismatch, as well as differences between natives and immigrants. The vocationally educated population shows a higher match compared to the generally educated, but the generally educated population shows a higher proportion of undereducated individuals compared to the vocationally educated population. Although there are considerable differences between the studied immigrant groups, the general conclusion is that the immigrated population shows a lower match between educational level and skills level of the job as well as a higher level of overeducation compared to the native population.

Abstract [fr]

Le but de cet article est d’étudier les différences dans les équivalences et les non équivalences d’études au niveau des études et du travail ainsi que les différences parmi les gens du pays et la population immigrée. On fait une distinction entre les niveaux d’étude et les connaissances générales et professionnelles. Un échantillon composé de Suédois d’origine et neuf groupes d’immigrés, basé sur des données indiquées, a été sélectionné pour analyse. Les statistiques décrites sont présentées et analysées ainsi que l’analyse de la régression logistique, contrôlant le capital humain basique et les variations spécifiques des immigrés. Les principales conclusions de cet article sont les différences considérables entre la formation professionnelle et générale dans les équivalences et les non équivalences ainsi que les différences entre les gens du pays et les immigrés. La population ayant reçu une formation professionnelle montre une plus grande équivalence comparé à la formation générale. Mais la population ayant reçu une formation générale montre une plus grande proportion d’individus qui ont fait peu d’études comparé à la population avec une formation professionnelle. Malgré les différences considérables entre les groupes d’immigrés étudiés, la conclusion générale est qu’une population immigrée montre une équivalence plus faible entre le niveau d’études et le niveau d’aptitudes professionnelles ainsi qu’un plus grand niveau des personnes surqualifiées comparées aux gens du pays.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2011. Vol. 12, p. 349-367
National Category
International Migration and Ethnic Relations
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-17807DOI: 10.1007/s12134-010-0172-2ISI: 000212339900006Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-79960135653OAI:, id: diva2:1454409
Available from: 2020-07-16 Created: 2020-07-16 Last updated: 2024-02-05Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Swedish Match? Education, Migration and Labor market Integration in Sweden
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Swedish Match? Education, Migration and Labor market Integration in Sweden
2017 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Avhandlingen syftar till att analysera och undersöka utbildningens roll för både immigranter och deras barn när det gäller att säkra en plats på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Med andra ord handlar avhandlingen om relationen mellan utbildning och arbete. Följande frågor står i fokus: Vilken roll, om någon, spelar typen av utbildning för arbetsmarknadsinträdet? I vilken utsträckning matchar individens utbildning arbetets kompetensnivå? Finns det skillnader i matchningen mellan utbildning och arbetets kompetensnivå mellan grupper födda i olika länder? Har barnen till immigranter en högre yrkesmässig matchning än sina föräldrar? Hur ser relationen mellan utbildning och arbete ut när en stor del av populationen har fått sin utbildning i ett annat land? Avhandlingen består av ett inledande kapitel där resultaten från de tre självständiga artiklarna diskuteras. Den första artikeln fokuserar på möjligheterna att säkra ett arbete i paritet med individens utbildning och karaktäristika. Artikel två och tre fokuserar på den yrkesmässiga matchningen på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, med andra ord huruvida individer har arbeten som motsvarar deras utbildningsnivå. Artikel två fokuserar på immigranter och artikel tre på immigranternas barn. Avhandlingen visar att framgång på arbetsmarknaden i termer av sysselsättningsgrad och yrkesmässig matchning beror på individuell karaktäristik såsom födelseland, tid i landet och typ av utbildning (generell och yrkesutbildning). Det finns stora skillnader mellan de som har en yrkesutbildning och de som har en generell utbildning. De som har en yrkesutbildning har också högre sannolikhet att få ett arbete. De största skillnaderna märks i yrkesmässig mismatch, där utrikes födda är överrepresenterade bland dem som arbetar på en lägre kompetensnivå än vad de har utbildning till, samtidigt som inrikes födda är överrepresenterade bland dem som arbetar på en högre kompetensnivå än vad de har utbildning till. Resultaten i artikel tre visar att immigranternas barn har en starkare position än sina föräldrar när det gäller yrkesmässig matchning.

Abstract [en]

The aim of the thesis is to analyze and examine the role of education, for both immigrants and their descendants, in the process of becoming a part of the labor market of the host society. In other words, the relationship between education and work. The questions addressed in the thesis are: Does type of education matter for labor market access? Does the educational level of the individual match the skill level of the job: Is the occupational match dissimilar for different country of birth groups? Do the children of immigrants have a higher occupational match than their parents? What does the relationship between education and work look like when a part of the population has obtained their education in another country? The thesis consists of an introductory chapter in which the results from the three independent articles are discussed. The first article focuses on the chances of getting a job in the Swedish labor market depending on the individuals’ background and education. Article two and three focus on the occupational match and mismatch in the Swedish labor market, i.e. the degree to which individuals work in jobs where the skill level of the job correspond to the educational level of the individual. Article two focuses on the immigrant generation and article three on the descendant generation. The thesis shows that success on the labor market in terms of employment rate and occupational match depends on individual characteristics such as country of birth, time in the country and type of education (general or vocational). There is a large difference between those who have a vocational education and those who do not, in that the former have a higher chance of obtaining employment that matches their education. The largest differences can be seen in the occupational mismatch where the foreign born population are over-represented among those who are working on a lower skill-level than their educational level, at the same time as the native-born population are over-represented among those who are working on a skill-level that is above their educational level. Article three shows that the descendant generation does better than the parental generation in terms of occupational match.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society, 2017. p. 75
Dissertation Series in Migration, Urbanisation, and Societal Change ; 2
Integration, Labor market, Occupational Match
National Category
Social Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7433 (URN)10.24834/2043/23356 (DOI)23356 (Local ID)978-91-7104-785-4 (ISBN)978-91-7104-786-1 (ISBN)23356 (Archive number)23356 (OAI)
Public defence
2017-11-24, Niagara Sal: NI:C0E11 Hörsal C, Malmö, 13:00 (English)
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2023-10-11Bibliographically approved
2. Education and labor market integration: the role of formal education in the process of ensuring a place in the occupational structure for natives and immigrants
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Education and labor market integration: the role of formal education in the process of ensuring a place in the occupational structure for natives and immigrants
2009 (English)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Department of International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER), 2009
Malmö Studies in International Migration and Ethnic Relations, ISSN 1652-3997 ; 7Faculty of Arts and Sciences thesis, ISSN 1401-4637 ; 98
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7449 (URN)10205 (Local ID)978-91-7393-489-3 (ISBN)978-91-7104-086-2 (ISBN)10205 (Archive number)10205 (OAI)

Paper I in thesis as accepted manuscript with title "The Importance of Where and What". Paper II in thesis as manuscript.

Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-03-14Bibliographically approved

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Dahlstedt, Inge

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