Summary This report consists of three separate texts: Dreaming of the daycentre by Finnur Magnússon, Primarily a good house by Tor Löfgren and Old immigrants with language problem by Kristina Hjelm. The articles of Hjelm Löfgren are reedited versions of their candidate degree essays in Social work at the university of Malmö. The report follows two thematic main paths often occurring in the research on the life conditions of old migrants; the question of residential and care forms, versus the importance of language within eldercare. Recently the discussion of ethnically specified residential setting has focused different kind of daycentres whose activities are adapted to the needs of old migrant groups. The activities of these organizations have gradually been getting the characters of being ”open houses” addressing their activities towards persons whose needs are social rather than medical. The point of departure is a local action in order to establish a daycentre for Persian speaking old migrants in Malmö – Iranians and Afghans. The report focuses the actions and steps taken by different actors such as civil servants, representatives of a local migrants association involved in the daycentre project, as well as representatives of aged Persian speaking migrants in Malmö. The report’s main ambition is not to highlight the process of establishing a daycentre itself. We rather focus on the questions such a process may raise and what implications it may have. Furthermore the report focuses the issue of the low representation of migrants within Swedish eldercare and the issue of language may be one of its causes. The idea of ethnically based solutions in Swedish eldercare can be seen from different angles. According to tradition the welfare society has dealt with the needs of aged citizens. The emergence of hitherto new groups within the care comes as a challenge. Individuals with habits and most of all: speaking different languages are now standing on the doorstep of the care apparatus and sometimes feeling that they are not let in. However the findings of the reports show that some of the old migrants by different reasons choose to place themselves outside the care system. Taking into account the findings of the texts in the report one can state that daycentres are important and in many cases they satisfy the social needs and demands of many old migrants. A daycentre offers the possibility of meeting others and thereby breaking negative social isolation. Another and perhaps most important part of our findings is the complexity of ethnic care solutions which sometimes tends to be neglected. Ethnic care solutions touch upon the issue of democracy, necessary care based priorities, the integration of non-Swedes as well as the crucial connection between care and communication and language.