Atomic data are important in astrophysical applications and transition data can be used in the determination of element abundances and plasma diagnostics [1]. To provide for the extensive data needs a number of general computer codes such as SUPERSTRUCTURE, CIV3, and ATSP2K have been developed. As an alternative to these codes, which all rely on the Breit-Pauli approximation, the fully relativistic GRASP2K code [2] can be used. GRASP2K is based on the multicon guration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method and implements a bi-orthogonal transformation method that permits initial and nal states in a transition array to be optimized separately, which, in many cases, leads to more accurate values of the resulting rates [3]. The GRASP2K package also contains modules to compute diagonal and o -diagonal hyper ne interaction constants, isotope shifts, Land e gJ factors, and splittings of magnetic sub-state in intermediate and strong magnetic elds. In this work, GRASP2K has been applied to provide highly accurate spectroscopic data for transitions in the B-, C-, N-, O-, and Ne-like sequences [4]. Valence, core-valence, and core-core correlation e ects were accounted for through SD-MR expansions to increasing sets of active orbitals. The calculated energy levels generally agree to within a few hundred cm with the experimentally compiled results. Babushkin (length) and Coulomb (velocity) forms of transition rates di er with less than 1% for the majority of the allowed transitions. The perspectives of massive data production on parallel clusters to cover the needs of the astrophysical community is discussed.