Background and aim: At workplace it is relevant to study trust in the relations among colleagues (horizontal trust) and trust between management and employees (vertical trust). In the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) a measure of these two concepts has been developed, but the validity of the measures in a specific context as dentistry is unknown. The aim of the present study was to apply the measurements of trust from COPSOQ to a population of general dental practitioners from Denmark and Sweden, comparing factor solutions and scoring norms to the original results. Besides dentistry is an example of a human service organization, which implicates that also the patients take a central role in the daily work. Materials and methods: In 2008, a questionnaire was sent to 1835 general dental practitioners, randomly selected among members of the dental associations in Sweden and Denmark. The response rate was 68% after two reminders. Distribution analyses of two items concerning the importance of colleagues and relationship with patients were performed. Principal Components Analysis was applied to seven items concerning trust, taken directly from the second version of COPSOQ. The analyses were performed for the total sample as well as for subgroups according to gender, country, and employment sector. Results: Relationships to colleagues as well as patients were considered as very important for the perception of work fullfillment. The analyses resulted in two stable factors, interpreted as “trust” and “hindered information flow”. Conclusions: The suggested two factors from COPSOQ: vertical and horizontal trust, could not be reproduced in the present study. Consequently, the constructs cannot be regarded as valid for small enterprises as dentistry in Sweden and Denmark. Besides, it is suggested to include measurement of trust in the relationship with patients, when dealing with psychosocial work environment in human service organizations. The authors wish to acknowledge the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, Malmö University and The Danish Dental Association for financial support.