Introduction: The main purpose of the symposium is to showcase some recent research findings produced by PhD students accepted by or affiliated with the Swedish Graduate School in Education for Sustainable development (GRESD). Objectives: GRESD started as a state sponsored one-time research capacity development project that accepted 9 post-graduate student and included additional 9 post-graduate students all focusing on ESD in their PhD projects. With the project coming to an end and having produced a number of dissertations targeting an international research audience, it is the intention to showcase some of the central contributions made and to receive feedback on from practitioners and researchers on how existent research projects can tie into and contribute to existent demands in environmental education (EE) practice and practice. The presentations of research results are aimed to cover a wide range of issues, including topics such as evaluation of classroom practices, students qualifications, globalization and teachers’ ethical reflections the role of place-specific artifacts in learning. As GRESD is a collaboration between eight universities with their specific traditions and approaches to educational research, approaches show a creative variety of theoretical backgrounds. This variation is also reflected in the presentations that are putting into play Lacanian psychoanalysis, discourse theory, pragmatist theory and phenomenography in order to shed new light on critical areas of environmental education. Methods: The symposium will consist of an introduction (10 minutes) brief presentations (10-15 minutes each) of central research findings in the context of their overarching research projects, followed by a synthesis and suggestions by a selected commentator (20 minutes) and general discussions with the audience (20 minutes). The dialogue following the presentations is intended to outline possible future research projects as well as emerging areas topics in the portrayed GRESD research that could feed into existing demands in EE practice and research.