I artikeln diskuteras erfarenheter av att arbeta med tillämpad genusforskning i starka innovationsmiljöer. Under tre år arbetade författarna med en stark innovationsmiljö för att utveckla genus- och jämställdhetsperspektiv. I artikeln analyseras framgångsfaktorer och svårigheter utifrån projektets design och dess konsekvenser.
This article discusses conditions of how to work with applied gender research as a mean to produce sustainable gender equality in strong innovation environments and innovation systems. During a three-year period, the research team of two gender researchers and two consultants in organisational development worked with an innovation environment focusing on the food innovation system in Skåne, southern Sweden. In this article we describe the process and development of how to address gender issues in a segment which is quite traditional when it comes to gender. We analyse the success factors as well as the weaknesses of the project layout and its consequences.