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Good Work for dentists - a qualitative analysis
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4573-4548
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
2010 (English)In: Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, ISSN 0301-5661, E-ISSN 1600-0528, Vol. 38, no 2, p. 159-170Article in journal (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Objective: This study explores dentists' perceptions of Good Work in the meaning of positive and rewarding aspects in their work in contrast to a traditional problem-centred focus on work life. Methods: Nine informants were selected among Danish and Swedish general dental practitioners to obtain variation as to country of origin, gender, age and clinical work experience. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim in the original language. Statements concerning positive aspects of work were used for systematic text condensation according to the principles of Giorgi's phenomenological analysis, as modified by Malterud, generalizing descriptions reflecting aspects of Good Work. Selection of participants continued until saturation of the emerging categories was achieved. Results: The core of Good Work emanates from the clinical encounter: from the relation with the patient and from the opportunity to carry out high quality odontological handicraft. Social relations at the workplace, as well as organizational values and conditions were perceived as influencing the opportunities to achieve the rewarding aspects from the clinical encounter. Conclusions: The results implicate a need for developing a work-environmental model with intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards when dealing with human service organizations. At policy level it is necessary to address the professional culture.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2010. Vol. 38, no 2, p. 159-170
Keywords [en]
Dentistry, Health care, Human service organization, Phenomenology, Psychosocial working environment
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-15377DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0528.2009.00517.xISI: 000275511000008PubMedID: 20059489Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-77949459988Local ID: 10157OAI:, id: diva2:1418898
Available from: 2020-03-30 Created: 2020-03-30 Last updated: 2024-02-05Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Work-related support, community and trust - Dentistry in Sweden and Denmark
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Work-related support, community and trust - Dentistry in Sweden and Denmark
2010 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Tandlæger omgås mange mennesker i løbet af deres arbejdsdag, såvel patienter, pårørende som arbejdskammerater. Denne afhandling har fokus på de dele af arbejdet, som har med de med-menneskelige kontakter at gøre. Der sker store forandringer i vilkårene for sundhedssektoren i disse år, med særlig bevågenhed i forhold til økonomisk effektivitet og styrkelse af borgernes rettigheder. En række tiltag bidrager til at understøtte en udvikling i retning af mere markedslignende forhold. Indenfor tandplejen i Sverige og Danmark ses øgede krav om gennemsigtighed f.eks. i form af prislister, service deklarationer og kvalitetssikring. Desuden oprettes fritvalgsordninger på et stigende antal områder i sundhedssektoren. I en tid med gennemgribende forandringer i vilkårene for tandplejen er det særligt vigtigt at samle viden om, hvad tandlægerne opfatter som centralt for deres arbejde og om forhold, der bidrager til arbejdsglæde. Sådanne idealer kan have betydning for at sikre og fremme et positivt arbejdsmiljø som en del af fremtidig planlægning af tandplejen. Formålet med afhandlingen har dels været at opnå dybere kundskab om, hvad tandlæger oplever som Det Gode Arbejde og dels at analysere sammenhænge mellem faktorer i arbejdet og sociale relationer tandlæger imellem. I afhandlingen indgår fire artikler, som baseres på data fra tre delstudier. I materialet indgår forskellige grupper af danske og svenske alment praktiserende tandlæger fra privat såvel som offentlig tandpleje. Ni tandlæger blev interviewet om deres arbejdsliv med særlig fokus på det, der giver arbejdsglæde samt positive og berigende oplevelser i arbejdet (artikel 1). På tværs af de interviewede tandlæger kunne der udledes en fælles kerne i Det Gode Arbejde, nemlig relationen med patienterne og mulighederne for at udføre håndværk af god kvalitet. Oplevelsen af at gøre en forskel ved at gøre noget godt for andre mennesker viste sig at være en vigtig del af Det Gode Arbejde. Længerevarende relationer med patienterne fremhævedes at bidrage til mulighederne for at opnå tillidsfulde relationer, følge patienternes fremskridt og se de mere langsigtede resultater af ens eget arbejde. Det var ikke bare tilfredsstillelsen her og nu ved at udføre god kvalitet, der blev opfattet som vigtig, men også at patienterne tager hånd om og vedligeholder resultatet. Det oplevedes som en anerkendelse, der sammen med en tillidsbaseret relation, giver tandlægen en indre tilfredshed. Samarbejdsrelationerne på arbejdspladsen, samt de værdier og forhold, der karakteriserede klinikken, blev opfattet som en ramme om arbejdet. Tandlægerne forklarede, at rammerne påvirker mulighederne for at opnå de berigende aspekter fra patientarbejdet og der igennem påvirkes deres arbejdsglæde også. Det er derfor naturligt, at professionel frihed i form af indflydelse på rammerne blev fremhævet som særlig vigtig. En atmosfære på klinikken, der er præget af fællesskab, tillid til hinanden og støtte i arbejdet, oplevedes også at bidrage direkte samt indirekte til arbejdsglæden. Fællesskab, tillid og social støtte i arbejdet blev studeret nærmere i de efterfølgende tre delstudier. Artikel II bygger på en spørgeskemaundersøgelse, hvor 222 privat praktiserende danske tandlæger deltog. I artikel III og IV indgår materiale fra en spørgeskemaundersøgelse med deltagelse af 1835 alment praktiserende tandlæger fra den offentlige og private sektor i Sverige og Danmark. Resultaterne i artikel II og IV viste, at de fleste af tandlægerne havde en kollega, som de ville kunne diskutere en eventuel klagesag med. Generelt oplevede tandlægerne dog højere grad af støtte i forbindelse med håndværksmæssige udfordringer end omkring emner som personlig trivsel og problematiske patientrelationer. Analyser i artikel II godtgjorde, at personlige faktorer såvel som arbejdsrelaterede forhold var relateret til graden af social støtte i arbejdet. I artikel III blev en ny skala udviklet og benævnt Tillidsfuldt Fællesskab. Desuden blev praktiske og emotionelle aspekter samlet i en skala for oplevet Kollegial Støtte i arbejdet. Begge skalaer blev vurderet og viste sig at fungere godt, samt at være pålidelige på tværs af nationalitet, sektor og køn blandt tandlægerne. Ud fra fundene i de første tre studier og de forandringer, som præger udviklingen i sundhedssektoren, kunne der opstilles en række hypoteser for forhold, der kunne formodes at have betydning for Tillidsfuldt Fællesskab og Kollegial Støtte i arbejdet som tandlæge. Relationer mellem henholdsvis faktorer, som beskriver personlige karakteristika, arbejdsforhold, ledelses forhold samt værdier på klinikken og de to nye skalaer blev analyseret nærmere i artikel IV. For Kollegial Støtte viste det sig i regressionsmodeller (artikel IV), at kvindelige tandlæger og gifte/samlevende oplevede højere grad af støtte end mænd og enlige. Det samme var tilfældet for tandlæger med hyppig netværkskontakt udenfor klinikken og tilknyttet en klinik med flere tandlæger, og hvor den daglige leder har en formel lederuddannelse samt, hvor klinikkens værdier er i god overensstemmelse med professionens. Derimod viste det sig, at lederne selv og tandlæger med længere tid i faget rapporterede mindre Kollegial Støtte. For Tillidsfuldt Fællesskab var mønstret noget enklere (artikel IV). Tandlæger, som havde indflydelse i arbejdet, hyppige fælles pauser på klinikken og arbejdede på en klinik, hvor værdierne i høj grad stemte overens med professionens værdier, anførte også i højere grad at opleve sig som del i et Tillidsfuldt Fællesskab. Jo mere Kollegial Støtte og især jo mere Tillidsfuldt Fællesskab tandlægerne oplevede, desto bedre selvvurderet helbred samt desto større arbejdsglæde og jobtilfredshed havde de også. Det var muligt at udlede en fælles kerne i arbejdet som tandlæge på tværs af nationalitet og sektor og et fælles ideal i betydningen af rammer som atmosfæren på klinikken og kollegiale relationer (artikel I). Imidlertid viste det sig, at der var store forskelle i gennemsnittet af Kollegial Støtte og Tillidsfuldt Fællesskab afhængigt af sektor og om arbejdsstedet lå i Danmark eller Sverige. F.eks. oplevede tandlæger fra offentlig tandpleje mere Kollegial Støtte end tandlæger fra den private sektor. I Sverige rapporterede privatpraktiserende signifikant højere gennemsnit for Tillidsfuldt Fællesskab end deres kolleger fra offentlige klinikker, mens en tilsvarende forskel ikke var tilfældet i Danmark. Analyserne viste, at sådanne forskelle bl.a. kan forklares ud fra organisatoriske forskelle som klinikstørrelse, mulighed for indflydelse i jobbet og værdigrundlag på klinikken. Desuden bidrog også forhold som lederuddannelse og kønssammensætning til at forklare forskelle i gennemsnittet for Kollegial Støtte mellem de forskellige organisationsformer. Dermed er der skabt en viden om en række forhold i arbejdsmiljøet, som kan have betydning for relationerne og dermed også relaterer sig direkte til arbejdsglæden blandt tandlæger. Sammenfattende peger afhandlingens resultater på vigtigheden af at inddrage den professionelle og relationelle karakter af arbejdet i organisering og ledelse af fremtidens tandpleje.

Abstract [en]

Work as a dentist provides great opportunities for human contacts with patients as well as with co-workers. The context for provision of health care is changing, implicating that the roles of health professionals - including dentists - are challenged. This thesis deals with positive work relations among dentists. The overall aims were: 1) to improve understanding of what characterizes Good Work for general dental practitioners and 2) to analyse associations between factors in the work environment and social support, community, and trust among dentists in Sweden and Denmark. The thesis is based on both qualitative and quantitative methods, comprising results from three studies, presented in four papers. The study populations include general dental practitioners from Sweden and Denmark working in the private and in the public sector. In Paper I, dentists’ perceptions of Good Work regarding positive and rewarding aspects were explored through phenomenological analysis of interviews with Danish and Swedish general dental practitioners. The main result was that the core of Good Work emanates from the clinical encounter; from the relation with the patient and from the opportunity to carry out high quality odontological handicraft. Social relations at the workplace, as well as organizational values and conditions, were perceived as influencing the opportunities to achieve rewarding aspects from the clinical encounter. The aim of Paper II was to study to what extent Danish general dental practitioners perceived support from colleagues and to relate this support to demographic and work-related background factors. The analysis was based on answers from 222 dentists included in a cross-sectional survey of randomly selected general dental practitioners from Denmark. Most respondents perceived that they had a colleague with whom they would choose to discuss a potential complaint proceeding, even though it was more common to discuss difficult treatments than problems concerning dissatisfied patients with colleagues. Dentists who were female, young, from group practices, often in contact with colleagues outside the practice, and who reported that they were supported in practical matters, perceived on average a higher degree of Emotional Support. Dentists who were married/cohabitant, coming from a group practice, often in contact with colleagues outside the practice and who were emotionally supported perceived a higher degree of Practical Support. The study emphasized the importance of the organizational setting for a professional and personal supportive psychosocial working environment in dentistry. Data from a cross-sectional comparative survey were used in papers III and IV. A questionnaire was sent to randomly selected general dental practitioners working in Sweden or Denmark in the private or the public sectors. The net response was 68%. In paper III, two scales were developed; the one measuring Community with Trust (the sense of being part of a community characterized by trust and humour at work) and the other Collegial Support (perceived social support from colleagues in relation to the work with patients) were developed. The psychometric properties of the scales were evaluated. Explorative factor analysis was used to investigate dimensionality; internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. Differential item functioning and convergent validity were assessed. The reliability and validity of the two new scales were satisfactory. The aim of paper IV was to analyse variables associated with the scales for Collegial Support and Community with Trust. Two models were built using multiple hierarchical linear regression analysis. Demographic background factors, work factors, managerial factors and factors relating to objectives and values characterizing the climate of the practice were introduced as blocks in the models. The main results were that having common breaks and decision authority, as well as working in a practice climate characterized by professional values were positively associated with the scale for Community with Trust. Dentists who were female, married/cohabitant, who had frequent contacts with colleagues outside the practice, and worked at a practice with frequent common breaks, where the leader had formalized managerial education, and the climate was characterized by professional values, were positively associated with the scale for Collegial Support. In contrast, being managerially responsible and having worked many years as a dentist were negatively associated with Collegial Support. Thus, a different pattern was documented for Collegial Support than for Community with Trust, indicating different underlying mechanisms. A professionally oriented practice climate and common breaks at work were strongly associated with both outcome variables. Differences in average for dentists’ Collegial Support and Community with Trust were found among different organizational settings. The final regression analyses pointed to organizational differences such as size of practices, influence on work, frequency of common breaks, managerial education and practice climate as well as, for example, gender distributions, contributed to possible explanations. Thereby, new knowledge has been achieved about a number of work environment factors which are of relevance for positive social relations in dentistry. In conclusion, the work with patients constitutes the core of work in dentistry, while relations among peers, staff, and management are important frameworks. This thesis points to the importance of collegiality and work-related community with freedom in work with patients. Therefore, it is relevant to address the professional and relational character of the work when organizing and managing dentistry.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö University, Faculty of Odontology, Department of Oral Public Health, 2010. p. 76
Doctoral Dissertation in Odontology
dentistry, health care, human service organization, phenomenology, psychosocial working environment, occupational health, social network, work environment, Social relations
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7742 (URN)10607 (Local ID)91-7104-313-6 (ISBN)10607 (Archive number)10607 (OAI)

Note: The papers are not included in the fulltext online. 

Paper III in dissertation as accepted manuscript, paper IV in dissertation as manuscript.

Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-03-05Bibliographically approved

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Berthelsen, HanneHjalmers, KarinSöderfeldt, Björn

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