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A prospective study of implant-supported full-arch yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal mandibular fixed dental prostheses: three-year results
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3912-0830
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6593-0151
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
2010 (English)In: International Journal of Prosthodontics, ISSN 0893-2174, E-ISSN 1139-9791, Vol. 23, no 4, p. 364-369Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

PURPOSE: The development of high-strength oxide ceramic materials has led to increased interest in all-ceramic fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). Success rates reported in clinical studies for all-ceramic FDPs based on high-strength oxide ceramic materials reportedly approach those of porcelain-fused-to-metal FDPs. These reconstructions, however, are still of limited size and have mainly concerned FDPs supported by natural teeth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of multiunit all-ceramic FDPs supported by dental implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients received mandibular yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) FDPs manufactured according to the Cercon technique and supported by four Astra Tech implants. Nine patients received 10-unit FDPs and one patient received a 9-unit FDP. The FDPs were cemented with Panavia F 2.0 onto individually prepared titanium abutments. The FDPs were evaluated at baseline and after 12, 24, and 36 months. RESULTS: At the 3-year follow-up, all FDPs were in use, and all patients were fully satisfied with their treatment. None of the reconstructions had fractured. Superficial chip-off fractures of the veneering porcelain were, however, observed in nine patients (34 of 99 units, 34%). CONCLUSION: Results from this 3-year study suggest that implant-supported full-arch Y-TZP FDPs manufactured according to the Cercon technique should be viewed as a treatment alternative cautiously. A better understanding of the factors resulting in chip-off fractures is needed, together with longer follow-up studies involving larger numbers of patients, before the material and technique can be recommended for general use.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Quintessence , 2010. Vol. 23, no 4, p. 364-369
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-15292ISI: 000280182500014PubMedID: 20617228Local ID: 11232OAI:, id: diva2:1418813
Available from: 2020-03-30 Created: 2020-03-30 Last updated: 2024-06-11Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Zirconium dioxide based dental restorations: studies on clinical survival and fracture behaviour
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Zirconium dioxide based dental restorations: studies on clinical survival and fracture behaviour
2011 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMAN-FATTNINGAtt förlora tänder påverkar en människas utseende och funktioner såsom tal och tuggning. Det finns därmed ett behov att rehabilitera och ersätta förlorade tänder för att upprätthålla en god livskvalitet. För många patienter är en fastsittande konstruktion första-handsval, och en vanlig ersättning är en bro i metallunderstödd ke-ramik som fästs till kvarvarande egna tänder eller implantat. Me-tall-baserade rekonstruktioner innebär emellertid en viss risk för allergisk reaktion och det finns därmed indikation för att söka efter alternativa material.Keramer karaktäriseras av starka kemiska bindningar som gör dem obenägna att reagera med sin omgivning och därmed mycket vävnadsvänliga. De har även andra tilltalande materialegenskaper och erbjuder goda estetiska möjligheter och har använts fram-gångsrikt inom tandvården under lång tid, framförallt för små konstruktioner i framtandsområdet. Då keramer är känsliga för dragkrafter förekommer emellertid spröda frakturer, framförallt i övergången mellan led, den s.k. connectorn, i brokonstruktioner.Under senare år har en typ av keramer, baserade på zirkonium-dioxid, utvecklats. Yttria-stabiliserad tetragonal zirkoniumdioxid polykristaller, Y-TZP, har en unik förmåga att genom fasomvand-ling från en kristallstruktur till en annan, m.h.a efterföljande vo-lymsökning, kunna sluta en påbörjad spricka och hindra denna från att tillväxa. Detta material har potential att framgångsrikt kunna användas även för större brokonstruktioner och i kind-tandsområden. Det finns emellertid otillräcklig klinisk uppföljning av dentala zirkoniumdioxid-baserade konstruktioner, framförallt över längre tid, och information om helkeramiska broar på implan-tat saknas helt.Det övergripande målet med detta avhandlingsprojekt var att ut-värdera hur zirkoniumdioxid-baserade konstruktioner bör designas för ökad hållfasthet samt att utvärdera klinisk överlevnad av im-plantat-stödda zirkoniumdioxid-baserade konstruktioner.I delarbete I jämfördes implantat-stödda helkeramiska broar i två olika keramiska material; ett aluminiumoxidmaterial förstärkt med zirkoniumdioxid (grupp 1) och ett tät-sintrat Y-TZP material (grupp 2). Arton patienter randomiserades till endera av de två grupperna. Vid uppföljning efter ett år var alla broar i funktion, inga totalfrakturer noterades, men frakturer förekom i ytporslinet. Dessa förekom signifikant oftare i grupp 2 där 54% av broarna uppvisade yt-frakturer jämfört med 8% av broarna i grupp 1. Delarbete IV är en 5-års uppföljning av samma patientgrupper och resultaten visade fortsatt inga totalfrakturer men ökad före-komst av ytporslinsfrakturer; 69% (grupp 2) och 17% (grupp 1).Delarbete II utvärderade brotthållfastheten för partiella Y-TZP-baserade broskelett med olika dimension på connectorn; 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 och 4.0 mm. Resultaten visade signifikant ökad brotthåll-fasthet för varje ökning i connector-dimension och rekommenda-tioner för dimensionering av connectorer föreslogs.Delarbete III utvärderade implantat-stödda Y-TZP-baserade 9-10 leds-broar i tandlösa underkäkar. Vid treårs-uppföljningen var alla broar i funktion, inga totalfrakturer konstaterades, men där-emot frakturer i ytporslinet. Dessa noterades hos nio av de tio pati-enterna, på 34% av ytorna.Delarbete V utvärderade brotthållfastheten hos kronor med oli-ka typer av Y-TZP kärnmaterial, olika design på kärnan samt olika ytporslin. Kronorna cementerades på tandliknande understöd, för-utom en grupp som cementerades på en implantat-liknande modell. Resultaten visade signifikant högre brotthållfasthet samt skillnader i frakturmösnter för kronor med en anatomiskt utformad kärna jämfört med kronor med en enkel jämntjock kärna. Kronor stödda av en implantat-liknande modell uppvisade signifikant högre brotthållfasthet. Typ av kärnmaterial eller ytporslin påverkade inte brotthållfastheten.

Abstract [en]

ABSTRACTThe loss of teeth can affect a person’s appearance and functions such as eating and speaking. There is thus a need for prosthetic re-habilitation to improve quality of life. For many patients, a fixed dental restoration is preferred, and a common restoration is a por-celain-fused-to-metal bridge retained by teeth or implants. Metal-based restorations can potentially cause adverse reactions though, and this is indication for the search for alternative materials. All-ceramic materials are characterized by strong atomic bonds that make them reluctant to react with the environment, and thus unlikely to cause adverse reactions. All-ceramic materials have other attractive material properties and excellent aesthetic proper-ties and have been successfully used in dentistry, mostly for smaller anterior restorations. Ceramics do not withstand tensile forces as well as metals though, and are susceptible to brittle fractures. The connector area is especially prone to fracture.During later years, a new type of ceramic material, based on zir-conium dioxide, has been developed. Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals, Y-TZP, has a unique ability to resist crack propagation by being able to transform from one crystalline phase to another, and the resultant volume increase stops the crack and inhibits it from propagating. This material has the potential to be used for larger restorations and in the molar area. Not enough in-formation, however, is available on clinical follow-up of zirconia-based restorations, especially long-term, and information on all-ceramic restorations supported by implants is lacking.The over-all aim of this thesis was to evaluate how to design zir-conia-based restorations to achieve increased fracture resistance and evaluate the clinical performance of implant-supported zirco-nia-based restorations.In paper I implant-supported all-ceramic fixed partial dentures of two different ceramic materials were compared; a zirconia-toughened alumina material (group 1) and a densely sintered Y-TZP material (group 2). Eighteen patients were randomly divided between the two groups. At the one-year follow-up, all restorations were in function and no complete fractures were noted. Fractures of the veneering material were noted, however. There was a signifi-cant difference between the two materials; 54% of the restorations in group 2 showed veneer fractures compared to 8% of the restora-tions in group 1. Paper IV is a five-year follow-up of the same patient groups. All restorations were still in function without complete fractures, but an increase in veneer fractures was noted; 69% of the restorations in group 2 showed veneer fractures compared to 17% in group 1.In paper II the fracture strength was evaluated for 4-unit Y-TZP fixed dental prostheses frameworks with different connector di-mensions; 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 mm. The results showed a sig-nificant increase in load at fracture for each increase in connector diameter and recommendations for clinically relevant connector dimensions were suggested. In paper III implant-supported Y-TZP fixed full-arch mandibular dentures were evaluated. At the three-year follow-up all restora-tions were in function and no complete fractures were noted. Frac-tures of the veneering material were however noted in nine of the ten patients, at 34% of the units. In paper V the fracture strength of crowns with different types of Y-TZP core materials and different core design and veneering ma-terials was evaluated. The crowns were cemented onto tooth-like abutments, except for one group cemented onto implant-like tita-nium abutments. The results showed significantly higher loads at fracture and different fracture mode for crowns with anatomically shaped cores compared to simple cores with even thickness. Crowns supported by implant-like titanium abutments showed sig-nificantly higher loads at fracture than did those supported by tooth-like abutments. Type of core-material and veneering material did not influence the results.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö University, Faculty of Odontology, Departments of Prosthetic Dentistry and Materials Science and Technology, 2011. p. 84
Swedish Dental Journal : Supplement, ISSN 0348-6672 ; 213
Zirconium dioxide, Y-TZP, Dental restorations
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7737 (URN)11769 (Local ID)978-91-7104-383-2 (ISBN)11769 (Archive number)11769 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2022-06-27Bibliographically approved

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Larsson, ChristelVult von Steyern, PerNilner, Krister

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