Parents who are subjected to crime by adult children with drug problems have been neglected in victimological research. We have examined how common it is for parents to fall victim to theft and burglary committed by their children and how the risk varies depending on the parents’ and children’s circumstances. A self-report questionnaire on victimisation was distributed to parents of adult children with drug problems (n=687). The data were collected by means of a postal survey sent to members of the Swedish organisation Parents Against Drugs (Föräldraföreningen mot narkotika) (n=411) and through an online questionnaire that was disseminated on social media and among treatment facilities and other support associations for family members (n=276). Half (50.7%) of the parents declared that they had at one point or another been victims of theft or burglary committed by their children. The level was higher among older parents, among those whose children had more severe drug problems and among parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Of the respondents, 9.9% had been exposed to property crime during the past year. The level was higher among parents of children who were currently taking drugs, among parents of younger children and among parents whose children were living at home. Parents of adult children with drug problems run a high risk of being subjected to property crime by their children. The risk appears to be mostly related to the children’s drug problems and certain other circumstances pertaining to the children. Further research is needed on the extent and nature of this type of crime and about risk prevention for the parents.