Connections (Organisational approaches to the complexities of multiple deprivation at the city level) is a mutual learning project financed under the European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity – PROGRESS (2007-2013). According to the project description, the project “focuses on reviewing successful governance structures in European cities and developing an innovative assessment model for peer reviewing organisational approaches to the complexities of multiple deprivation.” Hence, the first objective concerns reviewing governance structures. In order to succeed with that, the project aims to develop an innovative assessment model for peer reviewing and that constitutes the second objective. The Connections project is lead by the City of Rotterdam. The other cities that participate are Leeds (UK), Vienna (A), Newcastle (UK), Malmö (S), Munich (D), Budapest (HU) and Oslo (NOR). Each city has appointed a team of three members, representing the local city administration, NGOs and the research community. Each city is also responsible for arranging a peer review. The review is carried out during a two days stay by team members (the peers) from the other cities. In order for the Peer Review Team (PRT) members to be able to prepare themselves, the host city writes a report on the subject of the review, called City Profile. One of the researchers is appointed to write a report of the review, also called the post review report. This is one of the post review reports and it deals with the Peer Review in Newcastle 19-20 January 2009.