We report on extensive relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock and relativistic configuration interaction spectrum calculations for In II, Sn III, Sb IV, and Te V in the Cdsequence. For each ion, energies, LS-composition, and Land´e gJ-factors for up to 60 odd and even parity states are computed along with lifetimes and E1 and M1 rates for transitions between these states. Results for the 5s2 1S0 → 5s5p 3Po0 hyperfine induced transition are also presented. Valence and core-valence electron correlation effects are accounted for by explicit configuration interaction. The calculated energies are based on expansions with several hundred thousand configuration state functions (CSFs), and agree well with recent experiment, but the labeling of some of the odd states are ambiguous due to close degeneracies between several configurations. Calculated lifetimes of the excited states are in good agreement with values from cascade corrected beam-foil measurements.