For manufacturing companies, digital transformation is one major future trend. The digitalization of the value chain affects the whole business from procurement and production to sales processes. Following the idea of digitalization, enterprises have to revise the integration of suppliers and customers. As the comprehensive rollout of digitalized processes, products and services is still ongoing, it is important to learn duly which factors are important to tailor the success of the digital transformation. In 20 in-depth interviews, we examined key-factors that impact the success of digital transformation in manufacturing enterprises. Based on the IS success model by DeLone and McLean we deduced categories from the dimensions system quality and information quality as well as categories that are strongly linked to the digital transformation itself. The latter ones have no clear equivalent in the basic model. In summary, one thing becomes obvious: following the idea of a digitalized world, one major qualification for success will be the ability for integration and cooperation with internal and external partners.