Ti-6Al-4V alloy is an attractive biomaterial. The current work evaluates the microstructures of the solid and net-shape Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) system using SEM/EDX and optical microscope. The microstructures are influenced by the cooling rate, processing parameters of the EBM system and re-heating of the existing layer during the melting of subsequent layers. Layer structure and columnar grains have been observed, with growing direction parallel to the built direction. The interior of these grains consists of alternating α / β phases. The β phase in the colonies resembles rod shape embedded in the α platelet. Along the grain boundaries more or less continuous α layers were observed. In comparison to solid samples uneven surfaces and pores were seen in the net shape structure. Microhardness evaluation of the EBM produced alloys was also carried out and compared with conventionally produced alloys.