Objectives: Root-fillings are essentially performed to preserve natural teeth. However over time some root-filled teeth will be extracted. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with extractions within a period of 5 years after completion of a root-filling in the adult Swedish population. Methods: In this registry study, the cohort consisted of all root-fillings reported to the tax-funded Swedish Social Insurance Agency (SSIA) during 2009. Tooth type, any registration of subsequent coronal restorations within 6 months and type of caregiver were recorded. Demographic data (gender, disposable income, age, educational level, civil status and country of birth) were received from Statistics Sweden or the SSIA. Statistical analyses included chi-square test, t-test and logistic regression analysis. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The total number of individuals registered with at least one root-filling was 216,764. Not all had a registration of a tooth number or had no registrations at Statistics Sweden (n=824) and were excluded from the analyses. After 5 years, 9.4% of the teeth had been registered as extracted. Preliminary data showed risk factors associated with higher odds for extractions to be molar teeth, teeth with no registration of any permanent coronal restoration within 6 months following the registration of the root-filling, root-fillings performed in the private sector, women, older age-group and widow(er)s or divorcees. Conclusions: Several individual and tooth specific factors were associated with extraction following root-filling in the Swedish adult population. The direct reasons for the extractions remain to be studied further.