The topic of social integration is high on the agenda in most EU member states and politicians increasingly turn to sport for assistance. As a result, the ‘Sport for All’ discourse, originally moulded on a population dif-ferentiated by social classes, has gradually been replaced by a discourse targeting certain excluded or seg-regated groups in our societies. This paper analyses visual displays of the multicultural Denmark in the con-text of sport. It takes its starting point in the Danish Sport Confederation’s “Sport for all – regardless of level, age and gender”-policy. The paper originates from a multi-sited ethnographic study of the production of so-cial capital in and through the governance of sport. The study made use of a combination of techniques, such as: observations, semi-structured interviews and secondary analysis of official documents. The con-struction of a ‘new’ inclusive Danishness in and through sport is problemized by reading the visual documen-tations of ongoing social integration projects, sport magazines and instruction manuals published by Danish sport governing bodies. The picture of the multicultural sport arena is read through the lens of Barthes’ con-tribution on the myth, Stuart Hall’s contribution on representation, ideology, and encoding and Bakhtin’s heteroglossia, and against a political Danish climate that has attracted much attention in connection to the Mohammad cartoons and the Danish People’s party.