Although most people are aware of the health benefits of physical activity, it’s not easy to fit it into the busy everyday schedule. That’s the point of departure for this study: How, when and where do Swedish employees within knowledge-based sectors, age 30-50, find time and space for physical activities? How can the results be related to the general physical activity trends in Sweden? Which types of environments are considered favourable for physical activity? The empirical material consists of 550 surveys at three major work places, in-depth interviews with six persons within the target population, statistical material, etc. The majority of employees within knowledge-based sectors have an ambition to be physically active (and a majority is). Difficulties in finding time for physical activity make them develop different strategies to cope with physical activity, such as: preferences for time-efficient and flexible activities, using lunch breaks for gym-session or for walks, active transports, etc. Physical activities take place mainly in public space and commercial facilities. An attractive environment around the workplace favours physical activity in connection to the workday.