Place based learning in the sustainable city How can we involve young people in sustainable city development and how can we use the sustainable city as a learning arena? Could the learning aspect be a future factor when planning and construction new urban areas? This presentation will focus on student centred learning in urban spaces, by using climate smart school buildings and the city as an extended classroom and environment for education. Experiences of certain school projects and research on place based and challenge based learning in the sustainable city will be presented and discussed. One way to involve young people in climate change, environmental and sustainability issues could be to give students real challenges to work on. The two learning methods, place based and challenge based learning, will most probably increase the motivating of learning. Place based learning is a well-known pedagogy in natural studies, but only recently practiced in urban areas. Challenge based learning provides a framework, collaborative and hands-on, for learning while solving real-world challenges. Four good examples and ongoing research will be presented in the dialogue seminar of track 5: Our sustainable future seen through 10 years of local and global experiences. 1) Climate ambassadors, young teenagers in Malmö and Copenhagen, received a challenge on sustainability from the perspective of young people from the Öresund Committee. The climate ambassadors were inspired by the challenge related to their everyday life in the two cities, today and in the future, and as a result of the project they developed action competence. (Interreg project Öresundsklassrummet 2012-2014, , and a Research project on Climate anxiety or action competence, funded by Region Skånes Miljöfond 2014-2015) 2) Students in an upper secondary school were asked by the City of Malmö to make plans on sustainable city development and increased biological diversity in a city area in need of reconstruction. In the school project students could use and develop their power of innovation and creativity outside the traditional classroom. 3) ZlatanPlaza, an innovative suggestion on how to develop an attractive public place in Malmö – a place where people living in the area as well as visitors can learn about city architecture. Learners in grade seven at Apelgårdsskolan participated in Innocarnival 2016 and won a prize in the innovation competition on challenges in the surrounding world from the horizon of young people. ( 4) Climate education in climate smart schools is an ongoing research study on using smart energy systems in school buildings in education, by using the school building as an extended classroom. The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge on place based learning on energy, climate and sustainable development. (Funded by Region Skånes Miljöfond and Interreg ÖKS)