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Teaching and learning with Mobile-assisted Seamless Learning activities in Higher Distance Education
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of School Development and Leadership (SOL).ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5263-3243
2017 (English)In: Learning and education: material conditions and consequences, General Egyptian Book Organization, 2017, p. 390-391, article id 596Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Research topic/Aim: Research on mobile teaching and learning in higher distance education is a growing area. This media development has also expanded spaces and opportunities for mobile teaching and learning, observation and documentation, and participation and creativeness. However, it is important with empirical evidence how this teaching and learning are enhancing students’ collaboration. The present study aimed to illustrate, compare, and analyse two conditions in higher distance education with mobile-assisted seamless learning (MSL) activities via laptops, tablets, and smartphones, and what significance these factors have for students learning in a more digitalised form of higher distance education. The following questions were addressed: • What is the importance of application of digital devices for students’ collaborative learning by using mobile F2F webinars with text-based chat and teacher-recorded flipped classroom videos? • What views do students’ in using MSL activities in higher distance education? Theoretical frameworks: Theoretically, the present study brings together the research tradition of CSCL and the concept of MSL. Both theories are based on the principle that it is not possible to understand learning only from individual actions. Methodically, two concepts are used. First, Wengers (1998) definition of sociocultural theory divided into four components: 1) meaning is learning as experiences, 2) practice is learning as doing, 3) community is learning as belonging, and 4) identity is learning as becoming. Second, the concept of MSL by Kuh (1996) and the six dimensions by Wong and Looi (2011) in their design of actual learning: 1) formal and informal learning, 2) personal and social learning, 3) learning across time, 4) learning across locations, 5) ubiquitous knowledge access, and 6) physical and digital spaces. A key component of this idea is that each student is using a personal device as a mediator. Methodology/research design: Two conditions are compared, a) face-to-face (F2F) online webinars (web-based seminars or conferencing) and textual real-time chat communications, b) the elements of part a, but complemented by teacher-recorded flipped classroom-videos (pre-lectures) before the F2F online webinars. Data collection consists of observations of 22-recorded F2F online webinars among 40 vocational student teachers divided into groups of 18 and 22 participants, and 12 interviews (six from each group, including both women and men) about their views of the MSL activities, as well as two course evaluations. Expected conclusions/Findings: The results raise some challenges and implications presented by using digital devices to embrace opportunities across different contexts for collaboration and for creation of ubiquitous knowledge access in the form of online webinars and flipped recordings. In terms of e-learning the mobile technology posed challenges when the e-meeting system had a problematic mobile connection, and teachers were unfamiliar with the online system and how to support the students. In terms of m-learning through portable digital devices F2F, shows the importance of promoting students’ collaborative learning anytime and anywhere and easily switch learning contexts to another. In terms of u-learning shows the prominence of ubiquitous mobile technology supporting students’ mediated meaning and learning within course documents, flipped recordings before the F2F webinars, and the recordings of the webinars were available. Relevance for Nordic Educational Research: With further research, these terms will have the potential to become a design-based research model for MSL in higher distance education.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
General Egyptian Book Organization, 2017. p. 390-391, article id 596
Keywords [en]
Higher Distance Education, Mobile teaching, Computer supported collaborative learning, Online webinars, Mobile-assisted seamless learning
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-11546Local ID: 23263OAI:, id: diva2:1408590
NERA 2017 Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark (23-25 March 2017)
Available from: 2020-02-29 Created: 2020-02-29 Last updated: 2022-06-27Bibliographically approved

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Amhag, Lisbeth

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