The Nordic countries are often regarded as precursors in the development of inclusive education. The understanding and interpretation of terms have been widely reported in the discussion but how does it happen in practice? In an ongoing nationwide study in Sweden on inclusive learning environments twelve municipalities take part, representing large cities as well as small communities covering the country from south to north. In total 32 school teams responsible for carrying out the project in their respective schools were interviewed in focus groups about translating inclusion into class room life and didactic action. The teams consisting of different staff categories were nominated by their school principals and participated during the project in common development days, lectures about e.g. research on inclusion and they also had an exchange with "critical friends" in one of the other municipalities in the project. The present study is not dealing primarily with diverging definitions of inclusion. The aim is rather to investigate close to praxis the experiences and perceptions of the school teams about how inclusive learning environments can be implemented for all learners in terms of knowledge and social values. The group interview focused concrete examples of already successful activities in the various school contexts but also examples of what the school teams viewed as challenges in the process to achieve their goals for creating an inclusive school. Questions concerned the contextual background, frames and conditions for formulating realistic goals for an inclusive school, a desired state, the actions needed to achieve change and visible signs that the process was heading in the right direction. In a preliminary analysis of the transcribed interviews four categories of aspects appeared as critical to the development of an inclusive learning environment namely: Didactics and learning, Good learning environments, Supporting structures and Classroom - school -society relations. The categories are not exclusive but interrelated and the presentation will exemplify and discuss the different contextual conditions that according to the interpretation of the results so far have an impact when implementing inclusive learning environments in the schools represented in the study.