In a family where a child with complex communication needs is born alter the life situation for the family and the family often become coordinator of the contacts and efforts by various actors. The professionals in rehabilitation become one of those contacts and cooperation partners who offer child and family interventions. The starting point is the WHO's classification, ICF. The completed study is about perceptions of the concepts activity, participation and context according to WHO´s classification, the possibility of interaction and influence, and formed rehabilitation plans. Focus interviews and text analyses of rehabilitation plans have been the methods used in this study. Data has been encoded in accordance to ICF´s components and domains. Result shows both similarities and differences in parents' and professionals' understanding of ICF´s concepts and interaction and influence in the rehabilitation process. There is a dilemma, between rehabilitation as a volunteer effort and the families own activity, which has been visible. The professionals' efforts are not obviously compatible with the family's living conditions and expressed needs. ICF´s concepts is well known to those working in rehabilitation on the one hand, but is not fully anchored. For parents, on the other hand, ICF's conceptual apparatus is not something familiar, but the concepts are given content, although formulated in other terms. Analysed rehabilitation plans can be related to physical functions and structures and the concepts activity, participation and environment. Formulated goals and accompanying efforts are not automatically linked to each other. The majority of parents expresses satisfaction with rehabilitation efforts but also formulates proposals for improvement. The professionals remarked that there is a dilemma between professional and family spoken or unspoken needs. By combining ICF's framework with Bronfenbrenner’s developing ecological model, processes, organizations and cultural codes, families' expectations and the child's abilities and needs are captured and described.