The Academization of Sport in Sweden – Governing issues Sport research within the social sciences, and sport science (sport studies) education at an academic level are relatively new phenomenon’s in Sweden. Research started in the early 1970s and before the 2000s there were only a few academic sport educations in the country. Today, research and education are both comprehensive and diversified. The questions are: - How research and education have emerged, how they appear today, and how they relate to each other? - What knowledge is produced within research and what knowledge is conveyed through education? - Do they differ? And if so - in what way and why? The study deals with the Sport Academization process. The purpose is to attain a deeper understanding of sport science higher education and its relationship to sport research from a knowledge perspective. Four concepts are particularly central in the study: knowledge, power, discourse and institutions. The analysis is grounded in theories as: Berger and Luckmann’s sociology of knowledge, Foucault’s ideas about discourse, power and institutions, Bourdieu’s field analysis, and Baumans theories about social processes and discourses of different eras. The empirical material consists mainly of various documents. Examples of analyzed documents are: dissertations, journal articles, educational plans and curriculums. The documents have been handled both qualitatively and quantitatively. Discourse analysis has been the main method for the qualitative analysis. The study shows that there is a discrepancy between the produced and conveyed knowledge. The largest proportion of the research has been produced within the fields of pedagogy, psychology, and history. In addition - almost half of the educations were Sport Management programs. The main interpretation of the differences is that research and education is based on different contemporary logics (ideas and ideals). The difference between produced and conveyed knowledge highlights important political questions about how research and education should be governed. For example: - What role should the government take in the strategic planning and government of sport research and higher sport education? - To what extent, and under what forms, should research and education be self-governed? - What implications do different choices, in the matters above, infer (amount to)?