Since 2010, vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV) has been offered free of charge for all girls in Sweden. The school nurse administer the vaccination when the girls are 10-12 years old. The transmission of HPV is primarily connected to an active sex life, something that normally not has started in this age. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate if, and how the introduction of HPV-vaccination has influenced sex education in school. We have in a pilot study individually interviewed 5 primary teachers and 5 school nurses concerning infor-mation about the vaccination, sex education and their cooperation. The results demonstrate how the teach-ers see themselves mainly as distributor and collector of information and agreement documents about the vaccination. The vaccination information has not been integrated into sex education. Some of the teachers act as support when the pupils have questions connected to the vaccination. The school nurses described that they perform information about puberty, sexual life and HPV vaccination in groups of girls only, but also in the whole class. They experienced that there were limited cooperation between the teachers and themselves although they expressed that they wanted to collaborate. Most nurs-es felt that they were waiting for “an invitation” from the teachers to visit the classroom. One interviewee described how the principal of the school did not allow the school nurse and the teacher to share groups since the head master did not want to risk that the parents would not approve related to religion. The nurs-es did not have full insight concerning the teachers’ lectures but they had a feeling that the teachers fo-cused on biology and the nurses handled practical things like menstruation and also discussed psychologi-cal issues with the pupils. During the presentation we will present the results, but also some possible explanations to and implications of our results.