In this exploratory, descriptive study, we examine ways in which students negotiate symmetrical and asymmetrical power relations and express their authority and expertise in reviewing their peers’ writing. Furthermore, we question the ways in which the context for these peer reviews may explain differences in commenting styles. This mapping of peer reviews is layered by different cultural and developmental contexts. Our corpus is composed by students and faculty at Malmö University (Sweden), the University of South Florida (U.S.) and the University of Tartu (Estonia). These students were enrolled in a variety of courses at different educational levels: the Malmö students were enrolled in an English teacher trainee program, the USF students were enrolled in first-year composition, and the students at Tartu were doctoral students working on their journal articles.
To conduct this analysis, we will pay particular attention to linguistic expressions such as modality markers, verbs, adverbs and adjectives, and transitions as indicators of politeness, criticism and praise. One of the dimensions for comparison is the difference, if any, manifested in the peer reviews depending whether the peer reviewer is a native speaker of English or an EFL learner.
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academic writing, politeness, criticism, corpus, writing analytics, cross-cultural
Writing Research Across Borders (WRAB) IV 2017, Bogotá, Colombia (15-18 February, 2017)