Vepor om Maria Sandel, böcker, film, texter av Magnus Nilsson, tidslinje med svenska kvinnliga arbetarförfattare, dioramor, vepor med tecknade serier
Utställning av forskning på Orkanenbiblioteket 161124-170431
I utställningen "Kvinnor, Klass, Kultur" presenteras kvinnliga arbetarförfattare i Sverige, från Maria Sandel till Daria Bogdanska. Författarpresentationerna gestaltas genom en tidslinje, filmer och dioramor. I utställningen finns också författarnas verk och ett urval facklitteratur. En sammanställning av forskning och utbildning inom ämnesområdet på Malmö högskola ingår också.
In Sweden, the tradition of working-class literature is stronger than in many other countries. However, the history this literature has been very masculine. Maria Sandel is sometimes called our first female working-class author. And, for a long time, she was also considered to be our only female working-class writer. Even during the Golden Age of working-class literature in the 1930s, women were few. The most famous one from this period is Moa Martinsson. Today the situation is different. The latest breakthrough for working-class literature is led by women, who, in several ways, have renewed the tradition. Daria Bogdanska, for example, has contributed to the rise of working-class comics, which is often more humoristic and explicitly political than traditional forms of working-class literature. In the exhibition, female working-class writers in Sweden are presented in a timeline, movies and dioramas. The exhibition includes the authors' works and a selection of relevant literature on the topic. A summary of research and education in the subject area at Malmö University is also included.