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A profession in change: a development ecology perspective
Malmö högskola, School of Teacher Education (LUT), School Development and Leadership (SOL).ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0428-2001
2010 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

A welfare state consists of a variety of client organisations within which, among other professions, academics and social workers are active. Social work as a profession has developed in a welfare context where changes at the different levels of the individual, organisation and society constantly pose new challenges to the profession. When a society undergoes a total transformation, this also affects higher education, especially when it comes to facing needs for new competencies in a subject area such as Economics and Management. A change in a profession can also be seen on different levels and in various contextual environments. The thesis addresses the overall question: In the transformation of different societal and organisational environments, which factors may influence professions’ knowledge acquisition and learning processes? The theoretical frame of reference is provided by a modified model of Bronfenbrenner’s Development Ecology. This theory focuses on the individual’s drive and ability to influence their specific environment. This study’s point of departure is the individual and the individual in relation to their surrounding context on different levels. The thesis makes a contribution by improving knowledge of how Development Ecology may be seen in a welfare context by using study objects within the fields of education and a profession. The data collection primarily took the form of interviews. Other sources were added to the interviews; an analysis of key documents, lectures and seminars where there was an interaction with students as additional, empirical sources in various contexts, along with study visits. The thesis is based on the following three original publications: Management and Economics studies in Lithuania – the creation of a university discipline, Development Ecology in German Social Work and Proposed Enhancement of Bronfenbrenner’s Development Ecology Model. The study demonstrates how the Development Ecology model in a modified and developed form can constructively contribute to understanding a profession undergoing change. In addition, the study shows how the Development Ecology model can be used in two various societal and organisational contexts. It also demonstrates how professional autonomy is conditional given certain organisational and societal frameworks. Finally, the study reveals that entrepreneurship and learning are closely linked to each other and knowledge acquisition is about meetings on different levels where the interplay between the individual and their internal driving forces is essential – namely, to emphasise that the internal driving forces belong to the individual involved (a person).

Abstract [fr]

Un Etat-providence se compose d'une variété d'organisations clientes dans lequel, parmi d'autres professions, les universitaires et les travailleurs sociaux sont actifs. Le travail social comme une profession s'est développé dans un contexte de bien-être où les changements à différents niveaux de l'individu, de l'organisation et la société pose de nouveaux défis pour la profession. Quand une société subit une transformation totale, cela affecte aussi l'enseignement supérieur, surtout quand il s'agit de faire face aux besoins de nouvelles compétences dans un domaine tel que l'économie et la gestion. Un changement dans une profession peut également être considéré à différents niveaux et dans divers environnements contextuels. La thèse aborde la question générale: Dans la transformation de différents milieux sociaux et organisationnels, quels sont les facteurs qui peuvent influer sur l'acquisition des connaissances de métiers et sur les processus d'apprentissage? Le cadre théorique de référence est fourni par un modèle modifié de Bronfenbrenner, Ecologie Développement. Cette théorie met l'accent sur la force motrice de l'individu et sa capacité à influencer leur environnement spécifique. Cette étude a pour point de départ est l'individu et l'individu par rapport à leur contexte environnant, à différents niveaux. La thèse apporte une contribution en améliorant la connaissance de la façon dont l’Ecologie Développement peut être considérée dans un contexte de bien-être en utilisant des objets d'étude dans les domaines de l'éducation et une profession. La collecte de données a principalement prit la forme d'interviews. D'autres sources ont été ajoutées aux interviews, une analyse des documents clés, des conférences et des séminaires où il y avait une interaction avec les élèves comme des sources additionnelles et empiriques dans des contextes différents, avec des visites d'étude. La thèse est basée sur les trois publications originales suivantes: études de Gestion et d’Economie en Lituanie - la création d'une discipline universitaire, l’Ecologie Développement dans le Travail Social allemand et Amélioration Proposée du Modèle Ecologie Développement de Bronfenbrenner. L'étude montre comment le modèle Ecologie Développement dans une forme modifiée et développée peut contribuer de manière constructive à la compréhension d'une profession en pleine mutation. En outre, l'étude montre comment le modèle Développement Ecologie peut être utilisé dans deux différents contextes sociaux et organisationnels. Il montre également comment l'indépendance professionnelle est subordonnée vu certains cadres organisationnels et sociétaux. Enfin, l'étude révèle que l'esprit d'entreprise et l'apprentissage sont étroitement liés les uns aux autres et l'acquisition des connaissances concerne des rencontres à différents niveaux où l'interaction entre l'individu et ses forces motrices internes est indispensable - à savoir, de souligner que les forces motrices internes appartiennent à l’individu concerné (une personne).

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö University, Faculty of Teacher Education , 2010. , p. 243
Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences: Doctoral Dissertation Series, ISSN 1651-4513 ; 56
Keywords [en]
change, professions, development ecology, professional autonomy, social work, economics, social entrepreneurship, knowledge acquisition, Germany, Lithuania, SUSA
Keywords [fr]
changement, professions, écologie développement, autonomie professionnelle, travail social, économie, entrepreneuriat social, acquisition de connaissances, Allemagne, Lituanie
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7573Local ID: 10236ISBN: 978-91-86295-07-3 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:1404507
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2022-12-06Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Företagsekonomi och ekonomiska studier i Litauen: Om ett universitetsämnes konstituering
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Företagsekonomi och ekonomiska studier i Litauen: Om ett universitetsämnes konstituering
2007 (Swedish)Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Studier av omständigheterna kring ett ämnes framväxt och utveckling är en del av pedagogisk forskning. Uppsatsen belyser ekonomisk utbildning i Litauen utifrån de förändringar som frigörelsen från forna Sovjetunionen inneburit och studiens syfte är att ge en bild av hur företagsekonomi som universitetsämne formats i Litauen 1988-1997. Utgångspunkten i studien är individen och individens närkontext. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av en modifierad modell av Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologi, kompletterad med Bergs nivåmodell. Insamling av data har primärt skett genom intervjusamtal med universitetslärare vid litauiska universitet och högskolor. Utöver dessa intervjusamtal har styrdokument i form av litteraturlistor, kursplaner och centrala dokument insamlats och studerats. Ett av studiens grundläggande antagande är att verkligheten är socialt konstruerad. Fokus i analysen ligger i individens uppfattningar utifrån tre huvudtema; omprogrammering, kursplaner och kurs-litteratur samt attityder och intresse. Studien visar att konstituering av företagsekonomi i Litauen formats av politiska/ideologiska, ekonomiska, institutionella och individuella faktorer. Bakom dessa villkor finns beslut fattade på olika nivåer såväl nationell (makro), lokal/institutionell (exonivå) som kollegial (meso) nivå samt på individ (mikro)-nivå. Internationella influenser har haft stor betydelse, och dessa influenser kan sägas representera en ytterligare nivå – en exmakronivå. En ytterligare faktor utgörs av mötet mellan en tidigare doktrinär, rigid föreställning till en ny sådan, som inte var doktrinär utan istället innebar en akademisk frihetsgrad, ett frirum som tidigare inte fanns, åtminstone inte i retoriken. En tredje faktor utgörs av det som konsekvenser, influenser och frirum fick på det konkreta ämnesinnehållet och undervisningen.

Abstract [en]

Studies of the circumstances surrounding the creation and development of a university discipline are a part of pedagogical research. This thesis highlights the development of management and economic education against the background of changes caused by the Lithuania’s emancipation from the Soviet Union and aims to present a picture of how management as a university discipline has been created in Lithuania between the period 1988-1997. The nexus of this study is individuals and individuals in context. The theoretical frame of reference is provided by a modified model of Bronfenbrenners developmental ecology, complimented by Bergs tier (level) model. Data collection has primarily been in the form of interviews with university staff from Lithuanian institutions for higher education. In addition to the interviews, literature lists, course schedules and other key documents have been collected and analysed. One of the studies primary foundations is that reality is a social construct. The analysis focuses on individual’s conceptualisation of three main areas: re-programming, course schedules and literature lists, alongside their attitudes and interests. The study demonstrates how the creation of management and economics as a university discipline in Lithuania has been formed by a combination of political/ideological, economic, institutional and individual factors. Behind these factors are decisions taken at a variety of different levels, including national level (macro), local/institutional level (exo), collegial level (meso) and individual level (micro). International influences have also played an important role and their effects represent an additional level, the so-called exmacro level. A further factor comes into play in the meeting between the previously rigid doctrine and the new doctrine, which isn’t so much a doctrine but rather more of an academic freedom; a freedom that didn’t exist previously, at least not one that was acknowledged. A final factor in the study is the impact that the consequences of change, the various influences described above and this new-found freedom, have had on the subject’s content and method of teaching. One of the study’s main contributions is to highlight the significance of the concept of academic freedom and to focus on the paradox, where constraint under the old system is replaced by another form of constraint. In this case, where the rigidity of the old Soviet doctrine is replaced by a new freedom; but instead of being given greater opportunities to influence and change the subject, the academic staff are forced into a position where, once again they are subjugated to the influences of outside (international) sources.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen, 2007
Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences: Licentiate Dissertation Series, ISSN 1653-6037 ; 5
freedom, management, economics, creation, Lithuania, change, social-constructionism, development ecology
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7629 (URN)4290 (Local ID)9789197614030 (ISBN)4290 (Archive number)4290 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2022-12-06Bibliographically approved
2. Development ecology in German social work
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Development ecology in German social work
2010 (English)In: European Journal of Social Education, ISSN 1810-4789, Vol. 11, no 18/19, p. 99-111Article in journal (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This study highlights how a profession acquires knowledge in the context of the German welfare state. This is achieved by studying the organisation, transformation and sphere of influence of social work in Germany. The theoretic frame of reference is provided by a modification of Bronfenbrenner’s model of developmental ecology. If we view Social work as an action-oriented discipline, then both action and intervention are essential elements. Social work can thus be said to contain five different levels of intervention. This study is focusing the meso-social level and the exo-social level. The main result of this article leads us to a paradox and a professional dilemma. The social worker’s freedom and power within their own profession, a professional empowerment, can be said to be more conditional, where, whilst creativity has been stimulated, these are acceptable only within the boundaries defined by the newly created civil structures and interest groups. Key Words: developmental ecology, knowledge acquisition, social work, sphere of influence, transformation

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
FESET, 2010
developmental ecology, knowledge acquisition, social work, sphere of influence, transformation, SUSA
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-3459 (URN)10497 (Local ID)10497 (Archive number)10497 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2022-12-06Bibliographically approved
3. Proposed Enhancement of Bronfenbrenner’s Development Ecology Model
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Proposed Enhancement of Bronfenbrenner’s Development Ecology Model
2010 (English)In: Education Inquiry, E-ISSN 2000-4508, Vol. 1, no 2, p. 101-110Article in journal (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

How academic disciplines are constituted and the related professional development must be viewed within their wider social, political and economic aspects. When studying the organisation, transformation and spheres of influence of professions, the Development Ecology model provides a tool for understanding the encounter between societal, organisational and individual dimensions, a continual meeting point where phenomena and actors occur on different levels, including those of the organisation and society at large. However, the theory of development ecology may be questioned for how it looks at the individual’s role in relation to other actors in order to define and understand the forces underlying the professional development and constitution of academic disciplines. Factors relating to both the inside of the individual and social ties between individuals and in relation to global factors need to be discussed.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Routledge, 2010
resilience, social ties, network, entrepreneurship, development ecology, SUSA
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-2862 (URN)10.3402/edui.v1i2.21936 (DOI)2-s2.0-85048233867 (Scopus ID)10498 (Local ID)10498 (Archive number)10498 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-02-05Bibliographically approved

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