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Oral health in an outpatient psychiatric population: oral status, life satisfaction, and support
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Health and Society (HS).ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6008-091X
2009 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Oral health has generally improved in Sweden over the past 30 years. Investigations of living conditions have indicated that people with chronic mental health problems requiring psychiatric services diverge from that pattern. Research into oral health-related quality of life in this group might enhance our knowledge of the relationship between oral health, health perceptions, life satisfaction, and oral status, and its impact on quality of life in people with mental health problems. It could contribute to the description and broaden the understanding of the concept quality of life. The overall aims of this thesis were to describe oral health and oral health-related quality of life in persons attending psychiatric outpatient services; and to investigate oral health in relation to its biological aspects and perceived quality of life, including self-related variables and social aspects. Additional aims were to describe how persons with severe mental illness perceive oral health problems and to analyze the support they receive in counteracting dry mouth. The population studied consisted of 113 persons attending outpatient psychiatric services who voluntarily underwent a visual oral examination and a structured interview monitoring different aspects of life. Ten persons took part in a longitudinal investigation of how people with severe mental illness perceive oral health problems and support by means of regular visits aimed to evaluate the increase of such support. The findings showed that people in the total cohort were missing an average of 2.4 teeth. Poor oral hygiene was found in 41% of the group and 44% had objective signs of dry mouth. Seventy percent were assessed to be in need of some kind of dental treatment: 50% were overdue for scaling and polishing, 13% required more extensive dental treatment, and in 7% the need was acute. Routine dental visits were not uncommon: 75% had visited the dentist during the last year. Use of psychopharmceuticals was prevalent: 65% reported taking two or more prescribed 10 drugs. The investigation improved the understanding of psychological aspects associated with oral health among those studied, and showed measurably lower scores on life satisfaction items than is found in the general population. Analyses of the relationships between perceived oral health-related quality of life and biological and psychological factors demonstrated a correlation with numbers of teeth, type of psychiatric diagnosis, and gender. In the study population, number of teeth, life satisfaction, perceived physical health, and gender were found important. In relation to the psychiatric diagnoses, number of teeth was a significant factor in participants diagnosed with mood disorders and within the schizophrenia spectra. In participants diagnosed with anxiety and other psychiatric diagnoses, life satisfaction and reliance on chance were significant. The perception of health explained the variance in males. To females, number of teeth, life satisfaction, dental fear, and reliance on chance were also significant factors. In the study describing experience of oral health and perceived support, the result was illustrated by five categories: feelings and experiences related to poor oral health, experiences of dental care, experience of self-care, strategies for handling poor oral health, and experience of support. Oral health was important to the informants’ ability to relate to their social environment. A compromised dental status caused feelings of shame and stigma. Dental care revealed positive as well as negative experiences associated with the provider’s ability to meet the informant’s special needs. Strategies for dealing with poor oral health were mostly circumventions and were at best given ad-hoc solutions. Receiving support in oral health matters from staff was almost perceived as offensive; oral care reminders were often disregarded in an apparent assertion of the autonomy of informants, even though such behaviour could have negative consequences for their health. In conclusion, the findings showed that dental status, expressed as numbers of missing teeth, was higher for those attending psychiatric outpatient services than in a general population. The need for prophylactic dental treatment was considerable, suggesting that oral health issues need to receive increased attention during the course of psychiatric care in order to treat the whole patient. Experiences of oral health-related quality of life are of importance to the total appreciation of quality of life in an individual. This study might also contribute to the understanding of health problems in an outpatient psychiatric population since the perception of oral health-related quality of life was found to be dependent on the particular psychiatric diagnosis and gender. Questions regarding oral health in people with severe mental illness need to receive increased interest from dental, psychiatric, and social services in order to encourage self-care and enhance the autonomy of individuals.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society , 2009. , p. 144
Malmö University Health and Society Dissertations, ISSN 1653-5383
Keywords [en]
Oral Health, Psychiatric Outpatients, Life Satisfaction, Oral health Related Quality of Life, Quality of Life, Oral Status, Social Services, Qualitative study, Cross-Sectional Study, Multiple Linear Regression
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7367Local ID: 8596ISBN: 978-91-7104-229-3 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:1404282

Note: The papers are not included in the fulltext online.

Paper II and III in dissertation as accepted manuscripts, paper II with title "Low perceived quality of life among psychiatric out-patients related to oral health."

Paper IV in dissertation as manuscript.

Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-09-18Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Monitoring oral health and dental attendance in an out-patient psychiatric population
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Monitoring oral health and dental attendance in an out-patient psychiatric population
2009 (English)In: Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, ISSN 1351-0126, E-ISSN 1365-2850, Vol. 16, no 3, p. 263-271Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Impaired mental health has been associated with an increased need for dental care. Population surveys have indicated that people with enduring mental health problems make less frequent planned visits to the dentist and report a greater number of missing teeth than the general population. The study aims to examine oral health status, attendance to dental care, and medication in an outpatient psychiatric sample. A descriptive study combining a structured interview with a visual oral examination carried out in 113 outpatients under psychiatric care. Dental health was described in terms of sound, missing and/or filled teeth, and showed a relation between these categories and types of psychiatric diagnosis, age and numbers of antidepressant and neuroleptic drugs. Oral hygiene was found to be more neglected among men and in patients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. The need of dental treatment was widespread, although regular dental visits were commonly reported. In order to maintain good oral health, regular dental check-ups should be encouraged for patients under psychiatric care. Further studies are required to reveal contributory causes for/to decreased oral health. The difficulty such individuals have in maintaining additional self-efficacy raises questions about the necessity for oral health interventions in outpatient psychiatric services.

National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-14693 (URN)10.1111/j.1365-2850.2008.01364.x (DOI)000263966500006 ()19291155 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-62249219856 (Scopus ID)9390 (Local ID)9390 (Archive number)9390 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-03-30 Created: 2020-03-30 Last updated: 2024-09-18Bibliographically approved
2. Association of perceived quality of life and oral health among psychiatric outpatients
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Association of perceived quality of life and oral health among psychiatric outpatients
2009 (English)In: Psychiatric Services, ISSN 1075-2730, E-ISSN 1557-9700, Vol. 60, no 11, p. 1552-1554Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

OBJECTIVES: The relationship between oral health and various aspects of quality of life has gone uninvestigated in psychiatric populations. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 and subjective quality of life, perceptions about general health, and self-related variables. METHODS: A structured interview constructed from validated instruments was administered to 113 consumers attending outpatient psychiatric care. RESULTS: A lower perceived oral health-related quality of life had a correlation with decreased ratings of subjective quality of life, general health disabilities, and chance and internal locus of control. CONCLUSIONS: Correlations between subjective and general health-related quality of life and oral health-related quality of life had not been detected in this group before. In order to improve mental health consumers' total perceived quality of life, oral health problems should be regularly addressed in the course of psychiatric care.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2009
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-14870 (URN)10.1176/ps.2009.60.11.1552 (DOI)000271393200027 ()19880479 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-70350782499 (Scopus ID)9391 (Local ID)9391 (Archive number)9391 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-03-30 Created: 2020-03-30 Last updated: 2024-09-18Bibliographically approved
3. Oral health-related quality of life and dental status in an outpatient psychiatric population: a multivariate approach
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Oral health-related quality of life and dental status in an outpatient psychiatric population: a multivariate approach
2010 (English)In: International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, ISSN 1445-8330, E-ISSN 1447-0349, Vol. 19, no 1, p. 62-70Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Research related to oral health in people with mental health problems may deepen our understanding of the quality of life of such individuals. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between oral status, health perceptions and life satisfaction, and their impacts on oral health-related quality of life (OHQoL). Data were collected from 113 patients in outpatient psychiatric care using a structured interview and an oral examination. Six multivariate models (one comprising the total population, three separate diagnostic groups, and two sex groups) investigated the variance in OHQoL. In the total population, the number of teeth, subjective life satisfaction, perception of physical health, sex, and relying on chance accounted for 40% of the variance. In the group consisting of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia 41% of the variance was explained by the variables 'number of teeth' and 'perception of physical health'. In the group diagnosed with mood disorders, the variable 'number of teeth' accounted for 58% of the variance. The variance in the remaining group of diagnoses was explained, up to 38%, by life satisfaction and reliance on chance. The sex models revealed significant differences: men considered the responsibility of caring for their oral health as a health matter, while women saw oral health as a more subjective issue. The perception of OHQoL was found to be dependent on the particular psychiatric diagnosis and sex. Such findings can be of use in the development of rehabilitation, as well as preventive strategies that could be individually tailored to maintain OHQoL and oral health.

National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-14561 (URN)10.1111/j.1447-0349.2009.00639.x (DOI)000273459800009 ()20074205 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-74049161679 (Scopus ID)11513 (Local ID)11513 (Archive number)11513 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-03-30 Created: 2020-03-30 Last updated: 2024-09-18Bibliographically approved
4. Oral health problems and support as experienced by people with severe mental illness living in community-based subsidised housing: a qualitative study
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Oral health problems and support as experienced by people with severe mental illness living in community-based subsidised housing: a qualitative study
2010 (English)In: Health & Social Care in the Community, ISSN 0966-0410, E-ISSN 1365-2524, Vol. 18, no 5, p. 529-536Article in journal (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The purpose of this study was to explore how persons with severe mental illness (SMI) experience oral health problems (especially dry mouth), and weigh the support they received in this regard from professionals and staff at community-based congregate housing through a controlled intervention programme. Oral health problems and dry mouth are found in association with apathy and indifference, cognitive deficits, and long-term medication with psycho-pharmacological drugs. The present study describes the results from one part of a longitudinal intervention programme, which sought effective ways of mitigating dry mouth through increased support with oral health problems. This part consists of 67 informal interviews with ten participants in two community-based urban housing projects between November 2006 and June 2007, with a follow-up session in December 2007. Content analysis of the results yielded five categories: The shame of having poor dental health, history of dental care, experiences of self-care, handling of oral health problems, and experiences of staff support. Poor oral health caused shame and limited participation in social activities. Participants avoided oral health issues by such circumventions as denial of a tooth ache or dental infections, or postponing oral problems with the hope that they would die away. Offers of support were frequently resisted because of unsatisfactory prior encounters with dental professionals and staff. Our findings suggest that self-care needs to be facilitated in an unobtrusive manner with minimal staff involvement, and clients should be referred to dental care providers experienced in treating people with SMI.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
community-based housing, perceived support, oral health, severe mental illness, qualitative study, xerostomia
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-14594 (URN)10.1111/j.1365-2524.2010.00931.x (DOI)000280635600010 ()20561079 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-77955369003 (Scopus ID)12903 (Local ID)12903 (Archive number)12903 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-03-30 Created: 2020-03-30 Last updated: 2024-09-18Bibliographically approved

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