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Background factors associated with endodontic treatment due to caries in young permanent teeth
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4501-6976
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
2007 (English)In: Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, ISSN 0001-6357, E-ISSN 1502-3850, Vol. 65, no 4, p. 219-223Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Objective. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to assess the association between background factors and future endodontic treatment due to caries in young permanent teeth. Material and methods. The material comprised all 19-year-olds born in 1979 in a city in Sweden who had experienced endodontic treatment due to caries in permanent teeth and a control group with no endodontic treatment. From dental records, the following independent variables were derived from age 7 to age 19: immigrant background, caries prevalence (DMFT values) at age 10, occurrence of dental anxiety, and missed or cancelled appointments before endodontic treatment. The outcome variable was presence or absence of endodontic treatment due to caries. Bivariate analysis and a multiple logistic regression model were used to analyse the data. Results. In the bivariate analyses, all independent variables except cancelled appointments were statistically significantly associated with future endodontic treatment. Of these, immigrant background did not remain as a statistically significant factor in the multiple regression model. The highest odds ratios were 4.3 for DMFT at age 10 and 4.1 for 20% missed appointments. Conclusion. In the present sample, with a relatively high proportion of individuals with an immigrant background, DMFT at age 10, many missed appointments and dental anxiety were all risk indicators for future endodontic treatment due to caries up to age 19. Key Words: Dental anxiety, dental avoidance, dental caries, immigrants, risk assessment

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Informa Healthcare, 2007. Vol. 65, no 4, p. 219-223
Keywords [en]
dental anxiety, risk assessment, dental caries, immigrants
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7064DOI: 10.1080/00016350701364904ISI: 000249180800006PubMedID: 17762984Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-34548362139Local ID: 5948OAI:, id: diva2:1404018
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-03-14Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Endodontic treatment in young permanent teeth: prevalence, quality and potential risk factors
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Endodontic treatment in young permanent teeth: prevalence, quality and potential risk factors
2008 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Nationell statistik över tandhälsan hos barn och ungdomar redovisar uteslutande uppgifter om karies som till exempel genomsnittligt antal karierade och fyllda tänder och antal karierade och fyllda tandytor i olika åldersgrupper. Det innebär att de saknas kunskaper om mer komplicerade och tidskrävande behandlingar som rotbehandling av unga permanenta tänder. Syftet med denna avhandling var därför att undersöka förekomst av och kvalitet på rotbehandlingar av unga permanenta tänder samt att undersöka faktorer som kan innebära ökad risk för framtida rotbehandling på grund av karies. Materialet bestod av patientjournaler och röntgenbilder tillhörande en åldersgrupp 19-åringar (arbete I-III) och en åldersgrupp 15-åringar (arbete IV) från Folktandvården i Malmö. I arbete III ingick också en kontrollgrupp som inte hade rotbehandlade tänder. I arbete I studerades förekomsten av och orsakerna till rotbehandlingar av unga permanenta tänder. Resultaten visar att nio procent av alla 19-åringar hade minst en rotbehandlad tand. Den vanligaste orsaken var karies följt av olycksfallskador. Endast en liten andel berodde på störningar under tandens utvecklingsfas. Den första kindtanden, den s.k. sexårstanden, var den oftast rotbehandlade tanden tätt följd av framtänderna i överkäken. Andelen 19-åringar med någon rotbehandlad tand varierade avsevärt mellan olika kliniker. I arbete II studerades förekomsten av sjukliga förändringar runt rotspetsarna på de rotfyllda tänderna och kvaliteten på rotfyllningen, dvs om den var tät och hade en optimal längd. Resultaten visade att sjukliga förändringar förekom i 51 % av alla rotfyllda tänder, och att hälften av rotfyllningarna hade bristfällig kvalitet. Potentiella riskfaktorer för framtida rotbehandling på grund av karies undersöktes i arbete III. Det konstaterades att individer med minst en rotbehandlad tand på grund av karies hade mer karies vid 10 års ålder, oftare uppvisade tandvårdsrädsla eller behandlingsproblem och oftare uteblev från tandbehandlingar jämfört med en kontrollgrupp som inte hade någon rotbehandlad tand. I arbete IV undersöktes förekomsten av obehandlad dentinkaries och djupa fyllningar vid 15 års ålder. Utvecklingen av obehandlade dentinkariesskador mellan 14 och 15 år studerades också. Tjugotvå procent av individerna hade minst en obehandlad dentinkariesskada och ungefär var femte individ hade en fyllning som var djupare än halva dentinets tjocklek enligt röntgenbilden. Nio procent av individerna hade minst en kariesskada som hade utvecklats till en djup kariesskada mellan de två undersökningstillfällena. Sammanfattning: Rotbehandling av permanenta tänder var relativt vanligt hos 19-åringar. Den vanligaste orsaken var karies. Sjukliga förändringar i käkbenet kring den rotfyllda tanden sågs hos hälften av tänderna. Den tekniska kvalitén var också bristfällig i ungefär hälften av de rotfyllda tänderna. Potentiella riskfaktorer för kommande rotbehandling på grund av karies var hög kariesförekomst vid 10 års ålder, tandvårdsrädsla/behandlingsproblem och många uteblivanden. Obehandlad dentinkaries och djupa fyllningar var vanliga hos 15-åringar och måste ses som en potentiell riskfaktor för rotbehandling.

Abstract [en]

National epidemiologic data on oral health in children and adolescents in Sweden are restricted to caries, such as the number of decayed and filled teeth (DFT) and decayed and filled surfaces (DFS). Information about more complicated and time-consuming procedures such as endodontic treatment is scarce. The aims were to study the prevalence, quality and potential risk factors for endodontic treatment in young permanent teeth. The material consisted of dental records and radiographs. The subjects were all 19-year-olds born in 1979 (paper I-III) and all 15-year-olds born in 1990 (paper IV) belonging to the public dental clinics in Malmö. Paper III also included a control group. Aims and results of the four papers in this thesis: Paper I. The prevalence and causes of endodontic treatment were studied. Nine percent of the individuals had at least one endodontically treated tooth; in the majority of the cases the cause was caries. The most commonly treated tooth was the first molar. Paper II. The periapical status and technical quality of these rootfilled teeth were studied. Apical periodontitis and inadequately sealed teeth were found in about half of the cases. Technical quality was statistically significantly correlated with periapical status at follow-up. Paper III. The association between potential risk factors and future endodontic treatment due to caries was assessed. Individuals with endodontic treatment had more caries at age 10, more often dental anxiety and more missed dental appointments than a control group with no endodontic treatment. Paper IV. The prevalence of unrestored dentin caries, frequency of deep restorations, and lesion progression between ages 14 and 15 was evaluated. Twenty-two percent of the individuals had one or more surfaces with dentin caries left unrestored. About one out of five had one or more surfaces with deep dentin restorations. Nine percent of the dentin lesions progressed to deep dentin lesions. Conclusions: Endodontic treatment was fairly common in 19-year-olds and caries was the most common cause. The technical quality and periapical status of the root-filled teeth were unsatisfactory in about half of the teeth. The predominant risk factors were high caries prevalence at age 10, dental anxiety and many missed dental appointments. Unrestored dentin lesions and deep dentin restorations were common and must be regarded as potential risk factors for endodontic treatment during adolescence.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Swedish Dental Journal, 2008
Swedish Dental Journal. Supplement, ISSN 0348-6672 ; 193
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7657 (URN)18457275 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-43049170378 (Scopus ID)5940 (Local ID)9171042962 (ISBN)5940 (Archive number)5940 (OAI)

Paper IV in dissertation as accepted manuscript.

Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-12-02Bibliographically approved

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Ridell, KarinMatsson, Lars

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