ARTICLE TITLE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Periodontitis, implant loss and peri-implantitis. A meta-analysis. Sgolastra F, Petrucci A, Severino M, Gatto R, Monaco A.Clin Oral Implants Res 2015;26(4):e8-16. REVIEWER: Bruno Ramos Chrcanovic, DDS, MSc, PhD student PURPOSE/QUESTION: To compare the risks of implant loss, implant bone loss, and peri-implantitis between subjects with and without a history of periodontal disease. SOURCE OF FUNDING: The authors reported that no external funding sources directly supported this study TYPE OF STUDY/DESIGN: Systematic review with meta-analysis of data LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 2: Limited-quality, patient-oriented evidence STRENGTH OF RECOMMENDATION GRADE: Grade B: Inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence.