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Psychosomatic symptoms among female unpromoted general practice dentists
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
2003 (English)In: Swedish Dental Journal, ISSN 0347-9994, Vol. 27, no 1, p. 35-41Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Unpromoted female general practice dentists have a working situation with hard work conditions. The aim of the present study was to describe the perceived health for unpromoted female general practice dentists in comparison with others laving a somewhat similar working situation. Questionnaires were sent to all unpromoted female general practice dentists (n=183) within the Public Dental Health Service in a region in Sweden. The response rate was 94%. Comparisons have been done with personnel in the Social Insurance Organization in Sweden and Children Clinics in the Public Health Care in a region in Sweden. The dentists in this study suffered from many physical and mental troubles and also linked them to the working situation. They reported high prevalences of tiredness (70%) and back, neck and shoulder pain (76%) and related these symptoms to the job situation in 83% and 95%, respectively. The study showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.0001) in the comparison between all the samples that were investigated. In conclusion, the results show problems concerning self-perceived health for the unpromoted female dentists. We have shown that they are feeling unhealthy, worse than other high-risk-groups in a human service working situation, and they suffer from a multitude of problems also connected to their working environment.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2003. Vol. 27, no 1, p. 35-41
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-6119ISI: 000222272800005PubMedID: 12704947Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-0038481543Local ID: 3036OAI:, id: diva2:1403007
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-06-19Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Good work for dentists: ideal and reality for female unpromoted general practice dentists in a region of Sweden
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Good work for dentists: ideal and reality for female unpromoted general practice dentists in a region of Sweden
2006 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Kvinnliga obefordrade allmäntandläkare i Folktandvården utgör cirka en fjärdedel av alla yrkesverksamma tandläkare i Sverige. Enligt många rapporter har denna grupp en besvärlig psykosocial arbetssituation. Målet med denna avhandling var att: - Beskriva den självuppfattade hälsan för dessa allmäntandläkare i jämförelse med andra med likartad arbetssituation. - Analysera deras uppfattning om stöd i jämförelse med andra grupper. - Beskriva hur de uppfattade det "goda arbetet", dvs ett arbete som är både hälsosamt och socialt ansvarstagande, samt beskriva om det fanns en skillnad mellan deras ideal och derasverklighet gällande ett gott arbete. - Analysera mönster i två faktorer av det goda arbetet för tandläkare, nämligen en moralfaktor och en karriärfaktor. Postenkäter skickades 2000 till alla kvinnliga obefordrade allmäntandläkare i Folktandvården i en svensk region. Svarsfrekvensen var 94%. Resultaten visade att: - Tandläkarna mådde dåligt, sämre än övriga jämförda grupper. - De fick lite stöd från ledningen. - Det förekom få interkollegiala kontakter. - Det fanns inga tvärsnittssamband mellan kollegiala nätverk och stöd, men den kvalitativa undersökningen visade att kollegiala nätverk uppfattades positivt. - Det fanns en stor skillnad mellan det som tandläkarna uppfattade som ett idealiskt gott arbete och den verklighet de befann sig i. Den största skillnaden mellan ideal och verklighet fanns i bristen på inflytande. - Tre faktorer av det goda arbetet kunde konstateras, nämligen moral-, karriär- och arbetsmiljöfaktorerna. Tandläkarna upplevde att den moraliska aspekten av arbetet var allra viktigast. Detta bekräftar att tandläkarna upplevde sitt yrke som först och främst ett människovårdande yrke. Sammanfattningsvis fanns det allvarliga arbetsmiljöproblem bland tandläkarna. Tandläkarna mådde dåligt och upplevde stor brist på inflytande över viktiga frågor. Det förekom få interkollegiala kontakter, men kollegiala nätverk uppfattades positivt. De fick lite stöd från ledningen, vilket pekade på en svaghet i relationen mellan arbetsgivarna och de kvinnliga obefordrade allmäntandläkarna. Tre komponenter av det goda arbetet kunde konstateras, varav den moraliska komponenten både var den viktigaste och uppvisade den största skillnaden mellan ideal och verklighet. Sålunda värderade tandläkarna den moraliska delen av arbetet högst, vilket bekräftar att tandvård primärt är ett människovårdande yrke och inte ett industriellt yrke. De tandläkare med högst engagemang upplevde de största skillnaderna. Organisationen har följaktligen misslyckats med att övertyga eller engagera de tandläkare som den borde engagera, dvs de med det största engagemanget. Vägen till attförbättra de kvinnliga allmäntandläkarnas arbetssituation bör vara genom ökat inflytande och ökat stöd för att på så sätt överbrygga skillnaden mellan ideal och verklighet.

Abstract [en]

Female unpromoted general practice dentists (GPDs) in the Public Dental Health Service (PDHS) constitute about one fourth of all working dentists in Sweden. Unpromoted means that the position is without managerial functions. According to many reports, they have a problematic psychosocial work situation. This thesis aimed to:- Describe the perceived health for these GPDs, in comparison with others with a similar work situation. - Analyse their sense of support in comparison with others. - Describe how they perceived "good work", i.e. both the healthy and socially responsible work, and whether there was adifference between their ideal and their reality.- Analyse patterns in two aspects - the moral and the career aspects - of "good work" for dentists.In 2000, questionnaires were sent to all female unpromoted GPDs in the PDHS in a region of Sweden. The response rate was 94%. Results: - The dentists felt unwell, worse than other compared groups.- There was little support from the management.- There was little inter-colleague contact.- There was no cross-sectional association between collegial networks and support, but the qualitative investigation showed that collegial networks were perceived as positive. - There was a great difference between ideal and reality concerning good work. The dentists felt a lack of influence, and this was the greatest difference of all. - Three components of good work - "moral values and skill discretion", "career development" and "work environment" - were found. The dentists emphasized the moral basis of their work, confirming the character of dentistry as primarily human service work. In conclusion: There were serious work environmental problems among these dentists. The dentists felt unwell and felt a great lack of influence on important decisions. There was little inter-colleague contact, but collegial networks were perceived as positive. There was little support from the management, indicating a clear weakness in the relations between employers and female unpromoted GPDs in the PDHS. Three components of good work were found, where the moral component was the most important but it also showed the greatest difference between ideal and reality. Thus, the dentists emphasized the moral basis of their work, confirming the character of dentistry as primarily human service work and not industrial work. The dentists with the highest level of commitment perceived the largest differences. The PDHS organization has therefore failed to convince or engage those whom it ought to engage, i.e. those with the greatest commitment. The way to improve the female unpromoted GPDs' work situation would be through increased influence and support, bridging the gap between ideal and reality.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö University, Faculty of Odontology, 2006
Swedish Dental Journal : Supplement, ISSN 0348-6672 ; 182
tandläkare, kvinnor, psykosocial arbetsmiljö
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7655 (URN)3317 (Local ID)91-628-7006-8 (ISBN)3317 (Archive number)3317 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2022-06-27Bibliographically approved

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Hjalmers, KarinSöderfeldt, BjörnAxtelius, Björn

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