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Salivary IgA in minor-gland saliva of children, adolescents, and young adults
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).ORCID iD: 0009-0001-8816-4952
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Odontology (OD).
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2011 (English)In: European Journal of Oral Sciences, ISSN 0909-8836, E-ISSN 1600-0722, Vol. 119, no 1, p. 15-20Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

According to previous studies, minor glands produce about 35% of the total salivary immunoglobulin A (salivary IgA). The age-dependent increase in whole-saliva salivary IgA concentrations has been studied extensively, but we found no published reports comparing the minor-gland saliva concentrations of salivary IgA in children, adolescents, and adults. In this study we measured the concentration of salivary IgA in saliva from the labial and the buccal minor glands of children, adolescents, and adults. Three age groups donated saliva for analysis: 3-yr-old children, 14-yr-old adolescents, and 20- to 25-yr-old adults. Minor-gland saliva was collected on filter paper and unstimulated whole saliva was collected by draining into a tube, and the salivary IgA concentration was determined by ELISA. The salivary IgA concentration in labial saliva was significantly lower among 3-yr-old children (0.037 mg 100 ml(-1), SD = 0.035) than among 14-yr-old adolescents (0.126 mg 100 ml(-1), SD = 0.128) and adults (0.128 mg 100 ml(-1), SD = 0.13). The 3-yr-old children also had significantly lower whole-saliva salivary IgA values compared with the other age groups (0.09 mg 100 ml(-1), SD = 0.091; 0.179 mg 100 ml(-1), SD = 0.149; and 0.170 mg 100 ml(-1), SD = 0.099, respectively). This increase in salivary IgA concentrations with age might reflect a developing immune response in the growing child.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Vol. 119, no 1, p. 15-20
Keywords [en]
Salivary IgA, age, minor gland
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-6076DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0722.2010.00794.xISI: 000286381000003PubMedID: 21244506Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-78751471723Local ID: 13144OAI:, id: diva2:1402964
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-03-18Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. On minor salivary gland secretion in children, adolescents and adults
Open this publication in new window or tab >>On minor salivary gland secretion in children, adolescents and adults
2011 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Det finns få studier om de små spottkörtlarna, men deras främsta funktion anses vara att skydda individen genom att utsöndra ett skyddande sekret som utgör en slags barriär mot främmande och sjukdomsframkallande substanser. Från observationer på vuxna är det känt att körtlarna producerar en rad antibakteriella ämnen, tillhörande det specifika och det ospecifika immunförsvaret. Vidare anses de små körtlarna ha en smörjande effekt, vilket troligen har stor betydelse för välbefinnandet. Inga studier av unga växande individers sekretion från små salivkörtlar tycks finnas. Studierna inriktar sig främst på att öka kunskaperna om grundläggande egenskaper hos de små salivkörtlarna och olika immunologiska faktorer i saliven från dessa körtlar. De baseras på jämförande studier mellan förskolebarn, tonåringar och yngre vuxna. Avhandlingen söker svar på följande frågeställningar: Studie I. Finns det åldersrelaterade skillnader i salivflöde från, och förekomst av, små salivkörtlar?Studie II. Finns det åldersrelaterade skillnader i mängden av framträdande ospecifika försvarskomponenter (mucinerna MUC5B och MUC7) i saliv från små körtlar? Studie III. Finns det åldersrelaterade skillnader i koncentrationen av specifika försvarskomponenter (saliv-IgA) och protein i småkörtel- och helsaliv?Studie IV. Finns det åldersrelaterade skillnader i mängden av ytterligare en viktig ospecifik försvarskomponent (Gp-340) samt mängden kolhydrater (främst sialinsyra) som företrädesvis sitter på ospecifika försvarskomponenter, i småkörtel-och helsaliven? Huvudfynden i studierna är:• Barnen hade lägre flöde från små körtlar i kindslemhinnan jämfört med de vuxna. Vidare uppvisade barnen fler körtlar i läppen jämfört med de vuxna.• Barnen och de vuxna hade samma innehåll av MUC5B, men barnen hade mindre innehåll av MUC7 i saliv från små körtlar i läppen. Endast ett fåtal individer uppvisade muciner i saliven från små körtlar i kinden.• Barnen hade lägre koncentration av saliv-IgA i saliv från små körtlar i läppen och i helsaliv, jämfört med de vuxna.• Barnen och de vuxna uppvisade liknande mängder av gp-340 och sialinsyra i småkörtelsaliven men barnen hade större mängd gp-340 i helsaliven. De vuxna hade större mängder av gp-340 och sialinsyra i saliven från små körtlar i kinden jämfört med körtlarna i läppen.Förskolebarnens småkörtelsaliv innehåller samma mängd av en rad viktiga komponenter tillhörande det ospecifika immunförsvaret som de vuxnas, medan det specifika immunförsvaret tycks fortfarande vara under utveckling hos förskolebarnen. Vidare har förskolebarnen lägre salivflöde från de små körtlarna i kinden och tätare mellan körtlarna i läppen än de vuxna. Genom denna grundläggande kunskap kan genomförandet av nya jämförande studier av hur saliven fungerar hos yngre medicinskt eller odontologiskt belastade individer och av omhändertagande av patienter med störningar i saliven utformas. Skillnader i salivsekretion mellan barn och vuxna är också viktiga att utreda bland annat som eventuell förklaringsmodell för åldersvariationer i hur orala sjukdomstillstånd mellan åldrarna uttrycks.

Abstract [en]

The minor salivary glands are of great importance for maintenance of homeostasis in the oral cavity. These glands continuously secrete substances which lubricate and protect the oral tissues, contributing to comfort and health. The minor salivary glands contribute approximately 7-8 per cent of the total volume of saliva. Flow rate and composition seem to vary according to anatomical location. Current knowledge about the minor salivary glands is derived primarily from studies on adults. The overall aim of this thesis was to study age-related changes in minor gland saliva, from childhood to adulthood. By increasing the knowledge of minor gland secretion, we hopefully better understand how different mucosal locations are lubricated and protected in individuals of different ages and various health statuses. The project comprises four papers.In Paper I, the flow rate and numerical density of the labial and buccal minor glands of pre-school children, adolescents and adults were investigated. Saliva was collected on filter paper discs and the flow rate was measured by the Periotron-method®. The numerical density was assessed by PAS-staining.Key findings: The flow rate of the buccal glands was significantly lower in children than in adults and the number of labial glands was significantly higher in children than in the other age-groups. In Paper II, the composition of minor gland saliva of the three age groups (Paper I) was analysed (by ELISA-technique), with reference to the mucins MUC5B and MUC7, representing some of the major components of innate salivary immunity. Key findings: Children did not differ from adolescents and adults with respect to MUC5B content in labial gland saliva, but had less MUC7 than the adults. In the buccal gland saliva, detectable amounts of the mucins were found in only a few of the participants.In Paper III, the content of the adaptive immune component (salivary IgA) in minor gland saliva of pre-school children, adolescents and adults was measured by the ELISA technique. The salivary IgA-concentration in whole saliva of the three age-groups was also estimated. Key findings: The IgA-concentration was significantly lower in the labial glands and the whole saliva of the children than in the adults.In Paper IV, age-dependent differences of other innate components were studied in pre-school children, adolescents and adults, by analysing the amount of glycoprotein 340 (gp-340) in minor gland and whole saliva, using the ELISA technique. The content of sialic acid, a common terminal structure of glycoproteins, was analysed using the ELLA technique. Key findings: With respect to minor gland saliva, no differences were disclosed among pre-school children, adolescents and adults. However, the gp-340 content of whole saliva was significantly higher in the children than in the adults. The above investigations of properties of minor salivary glands in children, adolescents and adults seems to be the first to present data on age-dependent variations in gland density and secretions from healthy individuals. The results show high gland density, mature innate immunity and an ongoing maturation of adaptive immunity in the saliva of children. The report provides a reference for further comparative studies on minor gland saliva of younger individuals in health and disease.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö University, Faculty of Odontology, 2011
Swedish Dental Journal : Supplement, ISSN 0348-6672 ; 215
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-7733 (URN)22338966 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-84859403682 (Scopus ID)12402 (Local ID)978-91-7104-385-6 (ISBN)12402 (Archive number)12402 (OAI)

Note: The papers are not included in the fulltext online.

Paper IV in dissertation as accepted manuscript.

Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2024-12-02Bibliographically approved

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Sonesson, MikaelHamberg, KristinaLundin Wallengren, Marie LouiseMatsson, LarsEricson, Dan

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Sonesson, MikaelHamberg, KristinaLundin Wallengren, Marie LouiseMatsson, LarsEricson, Dan
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