The adsorption of components from black tea and of purified tea polyphenols onto a whole unstimulated salivary pellicle-like protein layer, formed in vitro on hydroxyapatite discs, was studied by in situ ellipsometry. It was found that components from black tea and the purified polyphenols epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and theaflavin readily adsorbed onto the pellicle. Further investigations showed that under the experimental conditions of this study, no black tea- or purified polyphenol-modified pellicles were eluted by either phosphate buffer or sodium dodecyl sulphate rinses. Therefore, black tea and its polyphenol components are indicated to have a profound effect on in vitro pellicle modification. Similar effects were observed for tannic acid.