There is limited information regarding everyday descriptions of experiences of sexual problems linked to childlessness. This study examines communication specific to sexual issues addressed within internet support groups focused on involuntarily childlessness. Qualitative content analysis of posts from 100 discussion threads regarding infertility and sexuality issues in the Swedish internet forum “difficult to conceive” at was carried out. The findings indicate that forum participants sought one another’s support to cope with the new realities of involuntary childlessness which negatively impacted aspects of their sexuality. The posts suggested that performance anxiety adversely affected participants’ perceived sexuality, and goals shifted away from desire and pleasure and became more technical and outcome- focused. Forums revealed details of an altered self-image among both women and men, which generated a feeling of meaninglessness. The online forum constitutes an arena offering both solution-focused and emotional coping support for issues linked to infertility and sexuality. It is imperative that health information regarding infertility and sexuality uses a bio-psychosocial approach including both emotional and sexual aspects of infertility treatment, and not merely medical facts. Both women and men experiencing involuntary childlessness need anticipatory guidance regarding the adverse impact that infertility may have on their sexual functioning and behaviour.