This is a presentation of the longitu- dinal and multidisciplinary research program Malmö Youth Sport Study (MYSS), which is an independent continuation of the Bunke o project. The aims, methods, empirical materials and theoretical basis are introduced. The study asks questions related to the role of physical activity and sports to promote an active lifestyle and to foster elite athletes. The longitudinal study involves 156 individuals engaged in thirteen different sports, from a secondary school in Malmö, Sweden, specialized in physical activity and sports. school form contributes to pupils taking part in competitive or rec- reational sports in adulthood to a greater extent than their peers at or- dinary schools. The overall aim with the MYSS study is both to answer these two questions empirically, and to investigate which selection factors (gender-related, physiologi- cal, social, or psychological) could be used to explain the outcomes. A three year follow-up is analyzed at the present time. There will also be a six year follow-up and a twelve year follow-up. Two basic questions to be an- swered are, rst, if this school form contributes to a larger extent to fos- ter elite athletes, and, second, if this The researchers represent disci- plines within Humanities, Medicine, and Social Sciences, and they are af liated to three Swedish universi- ties.