This paper sets out to describe a research project and to present and discuss some of its pre- liminary findings from an initial explorative phase. The project is conducted in collaboration with mathematics and science teachers in four mainstream compulsory schools with strong linguistic diver- sity within a geographic frame of a predominantly urban region in Sweden. The overall aim of the study is to generate knowledge about pedagogical potentials and limitations of multilingual practices in mathematics and science education. In this paper we draw on interviews with teachers, as well as workshops in which teachers and researchers collaborated, to explore the various meaning-making re- sources teachers express they draw on for teaching mathematics in multilingual settings, and their per- ceptions and experiences of teaching mathematics in multilingual settings. The preliminary findings indicate that the teachers draw on different meaning-making resources, with emphasis on resources that can be related to language responsive teaching. It seems easier for the teachers to reason about language responsive mathematics teaching than multilingual mathematics teaching. The teachers rea- son more about the value of a multilingual approach and less of concrete multilingual methods and strategies for teaching mathematics to multilingual students. They express positive views about multi- lingualism as a resource for learning mathematics at the same time as they show a hesitancy towards it, demonstrating an ambivalence.