Background: To achieve the requisites for a child’s healthy development and to reducehealth inequalities, it is important to promote health initiatives at an early stage in a child’slife and to include the parents. Home visits by healthcare professionals have been foundto have positive health effects for both the baby and the parents. From an extended homevisit programme in Sweden, our aim was to illuminate first-time parents’ experience of ahome visit conducted by a midwife and a child health care nurse 1–2 weeks postnatal.Methods: Data was collected by interviews (n = 13) with first-time parents. Thetranscribed texts were analyzed using inductive content analysis.Results: The participants’ experiences could be understood from the two themes, Atrust in the professionals and Feeling safe as a new parent. The participants experiencedthat the midwives and the child health care nurses complemented each other andappreciated to get knowledge and information from both professions. In their own home,they felt secured and relaxed, and the professionals could help them provide a safe homeenvironment for the child.Conclusion: By meeting both professionals at the same time and in their own home,the participants experienced that the needs of the baby and their needs and concernsas new parents were included and supported.