Background: Sexuality is an integral part of human beings and persons living with dementia still perceive negative attitudes from caregivers in this regard. Aim: This study aimed to explore registered nurses' experiences of caring for persons with dementia living in nursing homes and expressing their sexuality. Methods: A qualitative inductive design was adopted; data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed through content analysis. Results: The analysis reflected three categories. (1) Dealing with different reactions and responding to nursing staff and relatives: The registered nurses experienced discomfort, insecurity, frustration, distress and embarrassment when confronted with sexual expressions in people with dementia. (2) Caring with a focus on the person: The registered nurses expressed the importance of protecting the integrity of the person and consequently their right to sexual expressions. (3) Needing more competence development: The registered nurses expressed the need to educate and inform not only themselves but also the nursing staff and relatives.