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Students’ perceived learning in physical education: variations across students’ gender and migration background in Sweden
Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Sports Sciences (IDV).ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0286-7807
Department of Sport and Health Science, The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden.
Department of Sport and Health Science, The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden.
Department of Sport Science, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.
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2022 (English)In: Sport, Education and Society, ISSN 1357-3322, E-ISSN 1470-1243, Vol. 27, no 4, p. 421-433Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Students’ perceived learning in physical education (PE) is an important yet neglected area of research. Increased knowledge about students’ perceived learning can provide teachers with useful information to promote meaningful learning experiences in PE. Moreover, perceived learning can potentially be an alternative measurement to school grades when analyzing equality of outcome. Given that gender and migration background are associated with equality issues in PE, these groups are of particular focus in this study. With this background, the aim of this paper is threefold: (a) to explore students’ perceived learning in PE in Sweden, (b) to analyze what perceptions of PE are most prominent, and (c) present a way to quantitatively illustrate how perceptions about PE vary across gender and migration background. The analysis was based on a question about students’ perceived learning and was conducted in two steps. First, the students’ answers were categorized using qualitative content analysis. The analysis shows that the perceived learning in PE can be categorized into the following categories: ‘Physical doing’, ‘Emotional experiences’, ‘Health’, ‘Do not learn’, ‘Outdoor Education’ and ‘Social interaction’. Second, by quantitatively illustrate all answers in relation to the six categories, the result showed that the category of ‘Physical doing’ (36%) was the most prominent, and thereafter, in descending order are the categories of ‘Emotional experiences’ (22%), ‘Health’ (18%), ‘Do not learn’ (10%), ‘Outdoor Education’ (10%) and ‘Social interaction’ (4%). The results also showed that regardless of gender and migration background, students have somewhat similar perceptions of what they learn in PE. In this study we: (i) present a categorization of students’ perceived learning in PE, (ii) show that physical doing is a prominent aspect in students answers, lastly (iii) by quantitatively illustrate students’ perceived learning in PE, this study also suggest an alternative measurement to analyze equality in PE.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor & Francis, 2022. Vol. 27, no 4, p. 421-433
Keywords [en]
Equality, gender, migration background, meaningfulness, perceived learning, physical education
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-40231DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2021.1878129ISI: 000612735500001Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85100235571OAI:, id: diva2:1524103
Available from: 2021-01-31 Created: 2021-01-31 Last updated: 2024-09-03Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Likvärdighet i idrott och hälsa?
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Likvärdighet i idrott och hälsa?
2024 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This thesis is about equivalence in the school subject of sports and health. More precisely, the purpose of this thesis is to contribute with new knowledge on how equivalence in sports and health can be understood, measured, and has changed during the years 2000–2017. In welfare states around the world, as well as in Sweden, equivalence is a central goal – but what does equivalence really mean and entail? What should be equivalent, and when is the school (sufficiently) equivalent? How can equivalence be measured, and how has equivalence changed over time – has it deteriorated, improved, or remained unchanged? With a specific focus on the school subject of sports and health, this thesis addresses these very questions. To answer some of the questions, different perspectives on equivalence are presented, along with various methods for investigating indicators of equivalence. Additionally, the relationship between equivalence-relevant groups and outcome measures is examined over time. The equivalence-relevant groups are based on students’ gender, migration background, and family background, as well as their parents’ educational background. The two outcome measures are students’ grades in sports and health and students’ perceptions of sports and health. The empirical material in the study is based partly on register data, in the form of a total sample of grade statistics for 2000–2017, and partly on retrospective data from large research projects, which in turn contain empirical material about students’ perceptions of sports and health (N = 39,980). The results show that there are differences in grades, which have also increased over time, between students with different migration backgrounds and educational backgrounds. Moreover, there are even larger and increasing gender differences in the groups for students with low-educated parents and for students with a foreign background. The results also show that the effect of family background on grades in the 9th grade seems to have increased from 2000 to 2017. It is also evident that the effect of family background has increased the most for foreign-born students. In terms of students’ perceptions of sports and health, the results partially show something different compared to grades. Although there are differences between different equivalence-relevant groups, these differences are generally small. The differences in question remain small even after age, sports participation in leisure time, and parents’ educational background are considered. Generally, there are no clear differences in the way students describe what and how much they learned. However, one group that stood out a bit was girls with a foreign background, who reported to a slightly higher degree that there was nothing to learn in sports and health. In summary, the thesis highlights the difficulty – but also the importance – of more clearly defining the meaning of equivalence in school, as well as in sports and health. Additionally, this dissertation also points to knowledge gaps about equivalence in sports and health, which partly result from a lack of studies but can also be attributed to methodological shortcomings in previous studies. Finally, the dissertation indicates problems with equivalence, primarily linked to the increasing differences between students with different migration backgrounds and family backgrounds, along with the general differences that exist between different student groups and girls with a foreign background.

Abstract [sv]

Den här avhandlingen handlar om likvärdighet i skolämnet idrott och hälsa. Merprecist är syftet med denna avhandling att bidra med ny kunskap om hurlikvärdighet i idrott och hälsa kan förstås, mätas och har förändrats under åren2000–2017. I välfärdsstater runt om i världen, såväl som i Sverige, är likvärdighetett centralt mål – men vad betyder och innebär egentligen likvärdighet? Vad ärdet som ska vara likvärdigt och när är skolan (tillräckligt) likvärdig? Hur kan manmäta likvärdighet och hur har likvärdigheten förändrats över tid – har denförsämrats, förbättrats eller bestått oförändrad? Med ett specifikt fokus påskolämnet idrott och hälsa, handlar föreliggande avhandling om just dessa frågor.För att besvara några av frågorna presenteras olika perspektiv på likvärdighet ocholika metoder för att undersöka indikatorer på likvärdighet, liksom relationenmellan likvärdighetsrelevanta grupper och utfallsmått undersöks över tid. Delikvärdighetsrelevanta grupperna är baserade på elevers kön, migrationsbakgrundoch familjebakgrund, samt deras föräldrars utbildningsbakgrund. De tvåutfallsmåtten är elevers betyg i idrott och hälsa och elevers uppfattningar omidrott och hälsa. Det empiriska materialet i studien bygger dels på registerdata, iform av ett totalurval av betygsstatistik för 2000–2017, dels på retrospektivtdatamaterial från stora forskningsprojekt, i sin tur innehållande empiriskt materialom elevers uppfattningar om idrott och hälsa (N = 39,980). Resultatet visar attdet finns skillnader i betyg, som dessutom har ökat över tid, mellan elever medolika migrationsbakgrund och utbildningsbakgrund. Det finns därutöver än störreoch ökande könsskillnader i grupperna för elever med lågutbildade föräldrar ochför elever med utländsk bakgrund. Resultatet visar också att effekten avfamiljebakgrund på betyg i årskurs 9 verkar ha ökat åren 2000–2017. Tydligt äräven att betydelsen av familjebakgrund har ökat mest för utrikesfödda elever. Itermer av elevers uppfattningar om idrott och hälsa visar resultatet delvis någotannat, jämfört med betyg. Visserligen finns skillnader mellan olikalikvärdighetsrelevanta grupper, men generellt sett är dessa skillnader små.POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIGSAMMANFATTNING13Skillnaderna i fråga är alltjämt små efter att ålder, idrottsdeltagande på fritidenoch föräldrars utbildningsbakgrund tagits med i beräkningarna. Det finnsgenerellt sett heller inga tydliga skillnader i elevernas sätt att beskriva vad, ochhur mycket, de lärde sig av undervisningen. En grupp som emellertid utmärktesig litegrann var flickor med utländsk bakgrund, som i lite högre gradrapporterade att det inte fanns något att lära sig i idrott och hälsa.Sammanfattningsvis belyser avhandlingen svårigheten i – men också betydelsenav – att tydligare definiera innebörden av likvärdighet i skolan, liksom i idrottoch hälsa. Till detta visar denna avhandling också på kunskapsbrister omlikvärdighet i idrott och hälsa som delvis beror på en avsaknad av studier, menockså kan härledas till metodologiska brister i tidigare idrottspedagogiska studier.Slutligen indikerar avhandlingen likvärdighetsproblem, framför allt kopplade tillde ökande skillnader som finns mellan elever med olika migrationsbakgrund ochfamiljebakgrund, samt de skillnader som generellt finns mellan olika elevgrupperoch flickor med utländsk bakgrund.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö: Malmö University Press, 2024. p. 154
Malmö Studies in Sport Sciences, ISSN 1652-3180 ; 45
equivalence, equality, equity, physical education, sport, health
National Category
Sport and Fitness Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-70690 (URN)10.24834/isbn.9789178774340 (DOI)978-91-7877-433-3 (ISBN)978-91-7877-434-0 (ISBN)
Public defence
2024-09-18, Orkanen D138, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, Malmö, 13:15

Paper V in dissertation as manuscript. 

Paper IV and V is not included in the fulltext online 

Available from: 2024-08-29 Created: 2024-08-29 Last updated: 2024-09-27Bibliographically approved

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Jansson, AlexanderBjärsholm, DanielNorberg, Johan R.

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