The aim of this study is to examine the experience of legal security within the social services in Malmö for so called undocumented migrants. The study uses a qualitative method, were four individual interviews have been conducted with four social workers working towards undocumented migrants in Malmö. The study focuses on a specific emergency aid, so called nödbistånd, which can be granted for undocumented migrants in emergency situations. In 2013 the city council of Malmö voted for new guidelines regarding how to handle financial assistant within the social services. For the first time so called undocumented migrants were included in such guidelines. However, in 2017 the Supreme Administrative Court came with an indicative verdict prohibiting the social services to administrate these emergency aids through the paragraph in the Social Service Act that was used before, when dealing with undocumented migrants. Later that year the Social Administration of Malmö came up with new guidelines on how to administrate these emergency aids. This study focuses on how this indicative verdict, change of paragraph and its following new guidelines affect the legal security for undocumented migrants applying for emergency aid. It seeks to examine how these changes might have had an affect on the capacity for action within the social services, and if any changes in manoeuvring within this capacity can be seen in relation to legal security for undocumented migrants thru the experience of the informants. The study shows signs of inadequacies in the legal security in the administration of emergency aid towards undocumented migrants within the social services in Malmö. One of the most prominent being the differences in manoeuvring within the capacity for action between the citys social services offices, and its following differences in its administrative routines. Another being the removal of the right to appeal decisions regarding emergency aids aimed towards undocumented migrants as a result of the change of paragraph.