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Young audiences' preferences and willingness to pay: A study of demand and use of cross-media consumption at home
Malmö University, Faculty of Technology and Society (TS), Department of Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT).ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1535-6195
2018 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

As the media landscape are becoming increasingly differentiated (structure), segmented (supply) and fragmented (use), cross-media consumption is not a new occurrence, in particularly not for younger consumers. This target group is also highly sought after by the media industry, but it has proven hard to get to pay, especially for non-entertaining content, thus challenges the development and sustainability of the media industry’s digital business models (e.g., Chiou and Tucker 2013; Goyanes 2014). In the present study, based on a survey of Swedish participants aged 16-31 (n=1,287), we investigate the cross-media demand of younger people and their preferences and willingness to pay for media at home; What platforms and content do they use, what are their preferences in terms of demand and supply, what do they pay for, why, and how much, and what are their attitudes towards their media consumption. By studying attitudes to access as well as actual inventories of access among young people, media consumption and perceptions can be understood in terms of return on investment. The present article draws on a theoretical framework related to the concept of “perceived worthwhileness” (see e.g., Schrøder and Larsen 2010), which implies that people will only use the (news) media that they deem to be worthwhile in terms of investments, such as time, money, and energy. The preliminary results of the present study indicate that the respondents both use and highly value access to both analogue and digital services, and want to gain access to general as well as particular content. But in line with previous research, consumers do not always use what they prefer and are not willing to pay for what they use (e.g. Chyi and Lee 2013; Cook and Attari 2012). Price and supply were considered important, but currently they “solved their media consumption in other ways” than paying, however, streaming services, as well as particular content, were found to be more attractive to pay for. Subscription-based revenue models also appeared more appealing than one-time payments. These results indicates that it is important to look beyond individual media and consider the everyday media consumption from a cross-media perspective in order to capture the actual needs and purchasing behaviour of younger people.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
Audience studies, Young adults, VOD, Linear TV use, Crossmedia use, Willingness to pay
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-12365Local ID: 27358OAI:, id: diva2:1409412
ECREA 2018: 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano, Schweiz (31 oktober-2 november)
Available from: 2020-02-29 Created: 2020-02-29 Last updated: 2023-08-14Bibliographically approved

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Leckner, SaraSeverson, Pernilla

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