Place-based learning on climate and energy in the climate smart classroom
2018 (English)Conference paper, Poster (with or without abstract) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Place-based learning on climate and energy issues in the climate smart classroom possibilities and challenges
Kerstin Sonesson, Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö University, Sweden
This research study is focusing on how some teachers in elementary schools in a Denmark are reflecting on their experienced challenges and possibilities regarding pedagogical development using indoor climate data on temperature, humidity and content of carbon dioxide in education.
The study is part of an interregional collaboration among Copenhagen University, Malmö University, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Municipality of Höje Taastrup within Smart City Accelerator, Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak,
The main aim of Smart City Accelerator is to meet challenges on sustainable energy use and climate.
Three schools are equipped with indoor climate sensors and DTU is enable use of the data collected, in the past and in real-time, to the schools. Teachers involved in the project are offered a possibility to use the data and to develop place-based learning activities on energy and climate in science and technology education with assistance from a pedagogical consultant in the municipality
The theoretical background of the research question and the interpretation of data is influenced by Gibson’s theory of affordance (Gibson, 1979), Dewey’s theory of experience and education (Dewey, 2004) place-based theories (Smith, 2007, 2013) and social-cultural theory (Vygotsky, 1978, Säljö, 2001).
The teachers at the schools are interviewed in focus groups, using semi-structural questions (Bryman, 2012) regarding:
1)Previous experiences on place-based learning
2)Aims of working with climate data in the classroom
3)Possibilities and challenges using indoor climate data in education
4)Learning activities and reflections on activities
5)Expected learning by students
6)Teachers learning in the project
7)Broader use of knowledge learned in school
The interviews are transcribed and analyzed (Bryman, 2012). The work is ongoing, and so far the results are preliminary.
Analyses of the interviews show that teachers are experiencing possibilities to work place-based in science and technique education, to use experiments and measurements together with learners in the classroom. However, they are also experiencing challenges in their
learning process while developing and testing new materials and methods in class room education.
One important challenge is to understand the indoor climate data received from the sensors in the classroom and how the indoor climate depends on various abiotic as well as biotic factors. Another challenge is to develop student-centred learning activities regarding energy issues and climate change in accordance to the syllabus.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
SDG 4, 7, 11, education for sustainable development, energy education, climate education
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-11472Local ID: 26782OAI:, id: diva2:1408516
XVII IOSTE Symposium : Future Educational Chalanges frpm Science & Technology Perspectives, Malmö, Sweden (13-17 augusti 2018)
2020-02-292020-02-292020-06-02Bibliographically approved