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Irakerne på det danske arbejdsmarked
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), Department of Global Political Studies (GPS).
2005 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [sv]

På baggrund af den integrationsdebat, som i de senere år har præget dansk politik, er arbejde blevet en indikation på integration. Derfor har man koncentreret sig på problematikken, i at mange indvandrere/flygtninge, med ikke-vestlig baggrund, står udenfor arbejdsmarkedet. I denne opgave vendes diskursen, og belyser hvilken jobsøgningsstrategi som har vist sig være mest effektiv for denne gruppe på det danske arbejdsmarked. Fokus er lagt på det sociale netværk, idet tidligere forskning har set dette som den mest effektive indgang til arbejdsmarkedet. Der fokuseres på herboende irakere. Udover at give en kort karakteristika af Iraks nutidshistorie, er der blevet lavet 16 ustrukturerede kvalitative interviews med irakere. Analysen på dette materiale er blevet brugt til at påvise forskellige tendenser, deriblandt jobsøgningsstrategi, arbejdslivserfaring, human kapital og oplevelser med diskrimination på det danske arbejdsmarked. Konklusionen er, at informanterne umiddelbart anvender deres sociale netværk for at komme ind på arbejdsmarkedet, mens den langsigtede strategi er uddannelse fra Danmark. En ligeså vigtig metode er strategisk assimilation, hvor informanterne assimilerer sig med sine danske kollegaer, for på den måde at undvige diskrimination og udelukkelse fra det danske arbejdsmarked.

Abstract [en]

Based on the integration debate, which over the last few years has influenced Danish politics, work has become an indication of integration. The focus has as a consequence been laid on the problem that many immigrants and refugees with non-western background, are excluded from the Danish labour market. In this essay this discourse will be turned around, and the emphasis will be put on which job searching strategies are the most effective for this group in relation to the labour market. This assessment will focus on the social network, which in earlier research has proven to be the most effective way to enter the employment market. The focus is laid upon Iraqis living in Denmark. Besides giving the short characteristics of Iraq’s recent history, 16 unstructured qualitative interviews with Iraqis have been completed. The analysis of the material found has been used to generate certain tendencies, including job searching strategies, work experiences, human capital and discrimination experiences on the Danish employment market. The conclusion of this exercise highlights that Iraqis taking part in the interviewing process immediately uses their social network to enter employment, while their long-term strategy is education from Denmark. Just as important a method is the strategical assimilation, where the participants interviewed assimilate themselves with their Danish co-workers, and in that way avoids discrimination and exclusion from the Danish workforce.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö högskola/IMER , 2005.
Keywords [en]
Arbejdsmarked, Danmark, Diskrimination, Human kapital, Irakere, Integration, Jobsögningsstrategi, Socialt netvärk, Strategisk assimilation
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-22737Local ID: 2111OAI:, id: diva2:1482669
Educational program
KS GPS International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Available from: 2020-10-27 Created: 2020-10-27 Last updated: 2022-06-27Bibliographically approved

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