The Climate Ambassadors – from anxiety to action competence This presentation is based on research on “The Climate Ambassadors”, one of the subprojects in “Öresundsklassrummet Level 2”, an interregional project (funded by EU/Interreg IV Öresund-Kattegatt-Skagerak) with three partners; the City of Malmö, the City of Copenhagen and Malmö University. The aim of the subproject is to educate young people, 13-15 years old, in sustainability and climate change, and to motivate and involve the youth in creating a sustainable future. As a part of the activities the learners from six secondary schools got a mission by the Oresund Committee - to work on and plan for sustainability from the perspective of young people. The participants worked in mixed groups with four different themes and presented their results in a workshop together with politicians, planners and other municipal civil servants from Sweden and Denmark. The aim of the research study is to listen to the voices of the Climate Ambassadors and analyse their statements on what they learned during the project, their anxiety for the future, their possibility to make a difference and to affect the future development, and which barriers they identify in creating a sustainable future. The scientific methods are qualitative interviews in groups of participants two-five months after the final workshop and qualitative thematic analyses of their answers. The participants like the way of working in the project and gain new knowledge, competences and skills. They find these useful in their daily life, at school as well as in leisure time. At the interviews they discuss their role and possibilities to influence the future development in the region. The Climate Ambassadors mean that the future belongs to them and one says: “We can make a different if we decide to.” Identified barriers are adults and economy. The ways of working in the subproject was highly appreciated by the participants and they expressed positive thinking of their possibilities to participate in democratic processes and in development of the future. Pedagogues working with young teenagers can learn from the two projects in order to change their education, motivate and involve the learners in sustainability and climate change.