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Project grant
Title [sv]
Promoting Digital Security and Empowering Queer Youth through Storytelling Techniques
Title [en]
Promoting Digital Security and Empowering Queer Youth through Storytelling Techniques
Abstract [sv]
The project will increase awareness and digital security competencies amongst Ugandan (urban and rural) queer youth using storytelling techniques. Stories will be edited jointly by Ugandan queer youth and Swedish students into podcasts and spread in respective communities. The project will include research on digital storytelling and the empowerment of marginalized communities.
Abstract [en]
The project will increase awareness and digital security competencies amongst Ugandan (urban and rural) queer youth using storytelling techniques. Stories will be edited jointly by Ugandan queer youth and Swedish students into podcasts and spread in respective communities. The project will include research on digital storytelling and the empowerment of marginalized communities.
Co-InvestigatorSvensson, Jakob
Co-InvestigatorStrand, Cecilia
Coordinating organisation
Malmö University
Keywords [sv]
queer, storytelling, Uganda
Keywords [en]
queer, storytelling, Uganda
National Category
Media and Communications
DiVA, id: project:2506

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