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Vallberg Roth, Ann-ChristineORCID iD
Publications (10 of 93) Show all publications
Hansen, H. & Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2024). STREAM didaktik in preschool with literacy(s) in focus – between opening to the unknown and searching for the known. Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning, 18(1)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>STREAM didaktik in preschool with literacy(s) in focus – between opening to the unknown and searching for the known
2024 (Swedish)In: Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning, ISSN 2001-4554, Vol. 18, no 1Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The study in this paper aims to contribute knowledge about what characterizes STREAM didaktik in preschoolbased on a theory-informed teaching arrangement in an ULF2 network. The study is guided by the question:What can characterize STREAM didaktik in preschool with a focus on literac/y/(ies) in what and who/whichquestions? Theoretically, the study is connected to three main concepts: STREAM, didaktik and literacy. Thematerial consists of 85 documents, totalling 14, 200 words and 2.5 hours of film focusing on planning andconducting teaching in preschool. The knowledge contribution is: 1) STREAM didaktik with literacy(s) in focusappears as a relation between general didaktik and subject didaktik in preschool, 2) STREAM didaktik withliteracy(s) in focus can also be seen as a bridge between opening to the unknown and searching for the knownin a movement between planned and spontaneous teaching in preschool, and 3) STREAM didaktik with focuson literacy(s) in what and who/which questions can be tried in terms of STREAM actors. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Dalarna University, 2024
Didaktik, literacy, preschool teaching, STREAM
National Category
Research subject
Child and youth studies
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-66036 (URN)10.58714/ul.v18i1.13015 (DOI)
ULF-nätverket Didaktisk modellering i förskola
Available from: 2024-02-19 Created: 2024-02-19 Last updated: 2024-02-21Bibliographically approved
Vallberg Roth, A.-C., Hansen, H. & Persson, M. (2024). Undervisning i förskola: enligt skriftliga beskrivningar i samverkansforskning åren 2016 och 2023. Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 21(3), 306-329
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Undervisning i förskola: enligt skriftliga beskrivningar i samverkansforskning åren 2016 och 2023
2024 (Swedish)In: Nordisk Barnehageforskning, E-ISSN 1890-9167, Vol. 21, no 3, p. 306-329Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Teaching in preschool - according to written descriptions in collaborative research in the years 2016–2023


Collaborative studies have been carried out in Sweden during 2016–2023 to address the question of what characterises teaching in preschool. This article explores participants’ written responses on teaching in a research and development (R&D) programme and an Education-Learning-Research (ULF) network during the mentioned period. Based on a didaktik approach, the article aims to contribute with knowledge about what characterises teaching in preschool in 2023 based on written descriptions by preschool teachers, principals, and administrative leaders in three school authorities/municipalities in an ULF network. Furthermore, it aims to identify similarities and differences between the answers to the question of teaching in preschool in 2016 and those in 2023 in collaborative research in Sweden. 

     The study is guided by continental/German/Nordic didaktik – more specifically, a critical didaktik (cf. Bengtsson, 2022; Biesta, 2011, 2017; Brante, 2016; Broström, 2012, 2022; Klafki, 1995, 1997). We use the German word didaktik (with use of the letter k), which is common in continental Europe and the Nordic countries, and not the Anglo-Saxon word didactics. The material was generated via questionnaires, with a 91% response rate in 2016 and a 71% response rate in 2023. Didaktikally oriented abductive analysis has been carried out based on alternating empirical and theoretical interpretations both in the 2016 and 2023 material. There is a big difference in scope between the 2016 and 2023 material, and we make no claim to any comparisons in a statistical sense. However, we have examined changes in thematic orientations within each year’s material. 

     Our results show six distinctive characteristics of teaching in preschool in 2023:

1) Learning is not the same as teaching.

2 Teaching is child-teacher-content oriented.

3 Teaching is a goal-directed process – namely, teaching is related to governing documents.

4 Teaching is both spontaneous and planned.

5 Teaching is related to equality, inclusion, and sustainability.

6 Teaching is linked to traces of scientific bases, such as didaktik and theoretical concepts.


The result show both similarities and differences as well as shifts in what can characterise teaching in preschool between 2016 and 2023:

1) There is evidence of distancing from teaching in 2016 and absence of distancing from teaching in 2023 – there is also descriptions change from “teaching is the same as learning” in 2016 to “teaching is not the same as learning” in 2023.

2) There is a shift from child-oriented teaching in 2016 to child-teacher-content-oriented teaching in 2023.

3) There are similarities and consistent descriptions of teaching as a goal-directed process in 2016 and 2023; further, the 2023 responses also contain mentions of global goals in teaching. 

4) There is a shift from vague teaching where “all learning is teaching” in 2016 to teaching as simultaneously spontaneous and planned in 2023.

5) There are similarities and consistent descriptions of the inclusion of all children in 2016 and 2023, with later emphasis on equity and sustainability in 2023.

6) Scientific foundations in teaching are highlighted in both 2016 and 2023, with further emphasis on didaktik and didaktik models in 2023.

Abstract [sv]

Studien i artikeln syftar till att utifrån didaktiskt närmande bidra med kunskap om vad medverkande i ett Utbildnings, Lärande och Forsknings-nätverk (ULF-nätverk) skriftligt beskriver kan känneteckna undervisning i förskola år 2023. Vidare är syftet att identifiera likheter och skillnader i svaren på frågan om undervisning i förskola åren 2016 och 2023 i samverkansforskning i Sverige. Det framträder ett underskott på samverkansforskning som belyser professionellas syn på samma fråga om undervisning i förskola över tid, vilket motiverar föreliggande studie. Materialet generades via frågeformulär med 71 % svarsfrekvens år 2023 och 91 % svarsfrekvens år 2016. Didaktiskt orienterad abduktiv analys har genomförts utifrån omväxlande empiri- och teorinära tolkningsled både i materialet 2016 och 2023. Resultatet utfaller i både likheter och skillnader, inkluderat avståndstagande till undervisning 2016 och frånvaro av avståndstagande till undervisning 2023. Förflyttning kan identifieras mellan att undervisning=lärande 2016 och att undervisning inte=lärande 2023. Vidare betonas vag och vid undervisning där ”allt lärande är undervisning” 2016 och vid undervisning som spontan och planerad 2023. År 2016 är praktiknära handlingar mer framträdande än teorinära spår. År 2023 framträder företrädesvis tydliga spår av praktiknära handlingar, men också spår av teorinära beskrivningar. I likhet med tidigare forskning finns det särskild potential när det gäller metateoretisk nivå.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2024
Didaktik; FoU-program; undervisning i förskola; ULF-nätverk
National Category
Research subject
Child and youth studies
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-70658 (URN)10.23865/nbf.v21.624 (DOI)
ULF-nätverket Didaktisk modellering i förskola
Available from: 2024-08-28 Created: 2024-08-28 Last updated: 2024-09-03Bibliographically approved
Löf, C. & Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2023). Med värden i fokus: om den didaktiska vad-frågan i pragmatiskt informerad undervisning i förskolan. Nordisk Barnehageforskning (4), 63-79
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Med värden i fokus: om den didaktiska vad-frågan i pragmatiskt informerad undervisning i förskolan
2023 (Swedish)In: Nordisk Barnehageforskning, E-ISSN 1890-9167, no 4, p. 63-79Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [sv]

Sedan undervisning fick en mer framträdande position i den svenska reviderade läroplanen för förskolan (Lpfö 18) har lärare i såväl förskola som förskollärarutbildning kämpat med att tolka konceptet. När 2011 års skollag trädde i kraft några år tidigare fick förskolans arbete med normer och värden en starkare ställning. Mot bakgrund av detta blir det intressant att studera båda dessa stärkta mandat – undervisning och värden. Med utgångspunkt i erfarenheter från ett didaktiskt och pragmatiskt informerat undervisningsupplägg är syftet med denna artikel att bidra med kunskap om vilka värderingar som kan framträda i undervisning i förskola. Det empiriska material som genererats genom undervisningsupplägget består av totalt 364 dokument, inklusive 64 videoinspelningar. Detta genomfördes på cirka 120 förskolor och/eller förskoleavdelningar i tio svenska kommuner. Analysen har en didaktisk ansats och kan metodo-logiskt beskrivas som abduktiv analys. Resultatet indikerar att pragmatiskt informerad undervisning om värden kretsar kring sociala värden, såsom demokrati och (barns) delaktighet. I förskolans praktik är undervisningen organiserad som möjligheter till reflektion, samt som ett ”flerdeltagande”. Vidare framträdde spår av flerstämmighet i relation till kunskapsinnehåll som samspelar på flera olika nivåer samtidigt.

Abstract [en]

In 2018 teaching was enhanced in the Swedish revised curriculum (Lpfö 18). Both in the preschool practice and in teacher preparation, teachers seem to struggle with the concept. When the Swedish Education Act of 2011 entered into force, the work of preschools with norms and values was also accorded a stronger position. In light of this, it becomes interesting to study both of these strengthened mandates – teaching and values. Drawing upon experiences from a didaktik and pragmatically informed teaching approach, the aim of this article is to contribute with knowledge of what kind of values that can appear in the teaching at the participating preschools. The material underlying the teaching approach consists of a total of 364 documents, including 64 video recordings. This was carried out in about 120 preschools and/or preschool departments in ten Swedish municipalities. The analysis takes a didactic approach and can be methodologically described as abductive analysis. The results indicate that pragmatically informed teaching of values revolves around social values, such as democracy and (children’s) participation; in the preschool practice, the teaching is organized as opportunities for reflection and ”multiparticipation”. Additional traces of multivocality emerged from integrative knowledge content moving within and between various value levels.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2023
National Category
Didactics Pedagogy
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-67177 (URN)10.23865/nbf.v20.413 (DOI)
Available from: 2024-05-08 Created: 2024-05-08 Last updated: 2024-07-04Bibliographically approved
Vallberg Roth, A.-C. & Linda, P. (2023). Multivocal Didaktik Modelling in Early Childhood Education: For a Sustainable Future in a World of Change. Children, 10(8), 1-24, Article ID 1419.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Multivocal Didaktik Modelling in Early Childhood Education: For a Sustainable Future in a World of Change
2023 (English)In: Children, E-ISSN 2227-9067, Vol. 10, no 8, p. 1-24, article id 1419Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In times of democratic decline, unanimous choices and approaches and the idea of a singular best practice may be less conducive to democracy and sustainability. Therefore, the aim of this study is to suggest a multivocal approach to education and teaching by studying the question of what may characterise teaching in preschool for a sustainable future. The knowledge contribution and originality of the article is evident in the introduction, method, and results. In abductive analyses, models can summarize what we need to know and teach in pursuit of the creation of open life chances for every child. The results show that didaktik models are open and can provide support for teachers and leaders to consider and base informed decisions on, as well as to motivate their didaktik choices based on scientific foundations and proven experiences. Multivocal didaktik mo-delling intends to open up teaching—cultivating collaboration in preschool for a sustainable future in a world of change. In conclusion, we recommend cultivating an orientation (1) between knowledges, values and didaktik/education/special education in the pursuit of the creation of conditions for good education for all children; (2) between teaching realities and scientific foundations, which are founded in a critical–reflective didaktik, with a choice of direction in relation to an uncertain future; and (3) between continuity, progression and teaching adventures—which can include consolidating, deepening, broadening, raising, and cultivating knowledge and values for multivocality, democracy and sustainability in teaching realities. In the future the concept of multivocal didaktik modelling can be studied in relation to complex teaching realities as in a teaching universe or a teaching multiverse.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2023
abductive analysis, collaborative research, early childhood education, multivocal didaktik modelling, Swedish preschool, teaching realities
National Category
Research subject
Sustainable studies
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-62009 (URN)10.3390/children10081419 (DOI)001057346300001 ()37628418 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85169033933 (Scopus ID)
Ifous - innovation, forskning och utveckling i skola och förskola
Available from: 2023-08-21 Created: 2023-08-21 Last updated: 2023-10-09Bibliographically approved
Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2022). Abduktiv analys i samverkansforskning: fokus på didaktiska modeller i förskola. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 27(4), 157-179
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Abduktiv analys i samverkansforskning: fokus på didaktiska modeller i förskola
2022 (Swedish)In: Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, ISSN 1401-6788, E-ISSN 2001-3345, Vol. 27, no 4, p. 157-179Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [sv]

Den abduktiva analysen som fokuseras i artikeln genomfördes mot bakgrund avsamverkansforskning i två storskaliga forsknings- och utvecklingsprogram (FoU).Totalt genomfördes FoU-programmen i 18 kommuner/skolhuvudmän och icirka 175 förskolor/avdelningar. Artikeln syftar till att bidra med kunskap om abduktiv analys i samverkansforskning med fokus på didaktiska modeller i förskola.I samverkansforskningen prövades abduktiv analys som metodologisk strategi föratt kunna sluta sig till en nyanserad praktikteoretisk tolkning av vad som kundekänneteckna undervisning i förskola. Den abduktiva analysen utföll i didaktiskamodeller som byggde på en robust teoretisk grund och empirisk bas, vilken bestod av cirka 3 700 dokument, cirka 145 filmtimmar och cirka 780 000 ord, därsammanlagt cirka 15 500 personer hade samtyckt att medverka. Det upprepadeprövandet av abduktiv analys i två FoU-program stärkte trovärdighet, generaliserbarhet och användbarhet. Sammantaget utföll den abduktiva analysen i ”flerstämmig didaktisk modellering” som relaterades till demokrati i en klokare värld. 

Abstract [en]

 Abductive analysis in collaborative research: A focus on didaktik1 models in preschool

Abductive analysis is linked to the concept of abduction, which focuses oninterpretive processes that create meaning, moving between empirics andtheory on encountering unexpected results. In addition to the fact thatabduction can deepen and change current research in pedagogy and didaktik,abduction can also constitute an approach that is related to democracy.Shedding light on abductive analysis in collaborative research is important inthat it regards all participants in collaborative research as knowledge users andpotential knowledge developers, potentially leading to multivocal traces in theanalysis. In this way, the possible multivocality of collaborative research holdsdemocratic potential. In addition, democracy can be found in abductive analysis that results in didaktik models that unite multivocal practices and theories.In this context, there is a need for abductive studies conducted over longperiods of time in collaboration between, for example, preschool teachers,leaders and researchers.The article provides examples of abductive analysis tried out incollaborative research in two large-scale research and development (R&D)programs. The programs were implemented over a six-year period, with twoconsecutive three-year periods between 2016-2018 and 2018-20212. Theempirical data in the R&D programs were generated over long periods of timeand assessed against several theoretical perspectives, in line with abductiveanalysis.There is a shortage of abductive studies focused on practice-based didaktikmodels in preschool. This article gives examples of abductive analysis thatresult in "multivocal didaktik modeling". Multivocality entails multiple voicesbeing included in both practice and theory. In the R&D programs, the participants were involved in question formulation, method design, datageneration, co-exploratory conversations, and analysis. Didaktik models canbe both verbal and graphic. Two classic didaktik models are didaktikquestions and the didaktik triangle. The models can provide support forteachers and leaders to make didaktik choices.This article reveals the contribution of abductive analysis to thedevelopment of multivocal practical-theoretical models in collaborativeresearch. The purpose is to provide knowledge about abductive analysis incollaborative research, with a focus on didaktik models in preschool.When teaching was written into Sweden's governing document for preschool in 2010, an uncertainty emerged as to what teaching could mean inpreschool. In response, it was determined that education and teaching shouldrest on a scientific basis and proven experience. It turned out that there wasa deficit of both teaching-oriented, Nordic research and of proven experienceof teaching in preschool. A mismatch emerged between governing documents, research and practice. This mismatch was a driving force behind theR&D programs in which preschool teachers and leaders, from 18 municipalities and school authorities, raised questions about what characterizesteaching in preschool.Abduction, as described in the article, requires that we pay attention tonuances in empirical material and try approaches that in being multivocal atboth the action level and the (meta) theoretical level are democratic in nature.In the complex reality of teaching in a preschool, a multivocal rather thanunilateral approach favors nuance over reduction and creates conditions forcontributing knowledge at both the action and the (meta) theoretical levelabout the complex nature of reality. In other words, the logic of abductioncan add a critical, nuanced and openly change-oriented dimension to didaktikcollaborative research within the framework of democracy.The contribution of this article lies in abductive analysis having been triedout and proven to be feasible in large-scale R&D programs over a six-yearperiod. Abductive analysis in collaborative research makes it possible togenerate research findings that include empirical examples, proven conceptsand didaktik models. Having the abductive analysis replicated in two R&Dprograms strengthens credibility, generalizability and usability. All in all, theabductive analysis resulted in “multivocal didaktik modeling”, which could berelated to democracy.

NOTES1In this article the German word “didaktik” (with use of the letter k) is used, whichis common in continental Europe and the Nordic countries. This term is distinctfrom the Anglo-Saxon word “didactics,” which refers to a narrow way of teaching,for example, learning-outcome oriented teaching. In the article, collaborative research refers to research conducted in R&D programs(ibid). The article uses the third-person plural “we” instead of “I” to emphasize thatdidaktik models have been tried out in collaboration.

2 The article has been written within the framework of the R&D programs Teachingin preschool (Undif) and Multivocal teaching in preschool (Fundif) in acollaboration between 18 Swedish municipalities, the independent Institute forinnovation, research and development in school and preschool (Ifous) and MalmöUniversity (Mau). The study was co-financed by Mau and the 18 municipalities. Theresearch group thanks everyone who participated and contributed with funds,materials and views in analysis and discussions. The peer-reviewed article in thisthemed issue is based on a scientific report that was reviewed by Professor StigBroström at Aarhus University in Denmark (Vallberg Roth et al., 2021).

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, 2022
Abduktiv analys, didaktiska modeller, förskola, samverkansforskning, undervisning.
National Category
Research subject
Child and youth studies
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-57369 (URN)10.15626/pfs27.04.09 (DOI)
Available from: 2023-01-12 Created: 2023-01-12 Last updated: 2023-01-12Bibliographically approved
Holmberg, Y. & Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2022). Characteristics of teaching music in preschool: The written descriptions of Swedish preschool teachers and principals. Finnish Journal of Music Education, 25(1), 29-52
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Characteristics of teaching music in preschool: The written descriptions of Swedish preschool teachers and principals
2022 (English)In: Finnish Journal of Music Education, ISSN 1239-3908, Vol. 25, no 1, p. 29-52Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The article is based on a questionnaire answered at the beginning of two R&D programmes (“Multivocal teaching and co-assessment in preschool” in January 2016 and “Multivocal didactic modelling: Collaborative research regarding teaching and co-assessment in Swedish preschools” in July 2018). The programmes aimed to describe and produce further knowledge about what may characterise teaching in preschool. When the programmes began, participating preschool teachers and principals completed a questionnaire in which one question was specifically oriented towards what might characterise teaching in music. The aim of the article is to contribute knowledge about what may characterise teaching in music in preschool from a didactic perspective. The empirical material consists of a total of 374 completed questionnaires. A didactically oriented abductive analysis was performed. Five conclusions can be drawn.  1) A weak grounding in music theory and/or musical methodology reveals a shortcoming in the preschool teacher’s use of research as a basis for teaching. 2) Music is perceived as a means rather than a goal, which may in the long term weaken music as content. 3) Words such as “experience” and “challenges” occur so infrequently as to suggest that children don´t get challenged in music education. 4) The subject of music as form and “doing” is a strong trace, perhaps at the expense of artistic and scientific aspects. 5)  Digital possibilities are downplayed, possibly resulting in the children missing out on, for example, the creation of music that can be reproduced and the introduction of musical instruments that are generally not available in preschools. The results of this study encourage reflection on alternative ways of teaching music in preschool, which includes music teaching driven by a child´s right to music for the sake of music and based on research and music didactic, with a focus on the art and science of music. 

Abstract [sv]

Artikeln baseras på ett frågeformulär som besvarats i början av två FoU-program (”Flerstämmig undervisning och sambedömning i förskola” jan 2016 samt ”Flerstämmig didaktisk modellering? Undervisning och sambedömning i förskola” juli 2018). Programmen syftade till att beskriva och vidareutveckla kunskap om vad som kan känneteckna undervisning i förskola. I samband med start av programmen besvarade deltagande förskollärare och rektorer ett frågeformulär, varav en fråga riktades specifikt mot vad som kan känneteckna undervisning i musik. Syftet med artikeln är att bidra med kunskap om vad som utifrån förskollärare och rektorers skriftliga beskrivningar kan känneteckna undervisning i musik i förskola ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv. Empiri utgörs av totalt 374 besvarade frågeformulär. En didaktiskt orienterad abduktiv analys har genomförts. Fem slutsatser kan dras: 1) En vag förankring i musikteori- och/eller metodik visar på en brist i relation till förskollärarens uppdrag: att undervisa på vetenskaplig grund. 2) Musik uppfattas som medel snarare än mål. 3) Ord som upplevelse och utmaningar förekommer i liten utsträckning vilket kan spegla musikundervisning med underskott av detsamma. 4) Musikämnet som form och ”görande” är ett starkt spår kanske på bekostnad av konstnärliga och vetenskapliga aspekter. 5) Osynliggörande av digitala möjligheter. Resultatet öppnar upp för reflektioner om en alternativ musikundervisning i förskola. Musikundervisning utifrån barns rätt till musik för musikens skull. Musikundervisning byggd på vetenskaplig grund, med förankring i musikdidaktik och med fokus på musikämnets konstnärliga och vetenskapliga aspekter. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Finnish Society of Research in Arts Education; Hollo-Institute, 2022
Didactics, Preschool, Music, Teaching., Didaktik, Förskola, Musik, Undervisning.
National Category
Research subject
Child and youth studies
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-54465 (URN)
Available from: 2022-08-22 Created: 2022-08-22 Last updated: 2024-08-06Bibliographically approved
Ekberg, J.-E. & Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2022). Didaktik informed teaching arrangements in preschool with a focus on movement. Educare (2), 141-172
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Didaktik informed teaching arrangements in preschool with a focus on movement
2022 (English)In: Educare, ISSN 1653-1868, E-ISSN 2004-5190, no 2, p. 141-172Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Most children attend preschools in Sweden,and preschool is thus an important arena for children’s development and growth as well asforthedevelopment of and through movement. However, little is known about the teaching of movement in Swedish preschools. This article develops knowledge of what can characterize such teaching, particularly regarding goal and motive, content,and teaching actions. The material was generated in 2018–2019 in collaboration with 42 preschool departments in Sweden. The theoretical approach is didaktik, and “why”, “what”, and “how”questions are used as analytical tools. A variety of content can be seen, such as fundamental movement skills, different aspects of movement and, in a few teaching arrangements, physical activity. The teaching is often led by the teacher, though the children are sometimes co-leaders. The results also indicate a focus on inherent values but also on investment and added values. The study highlights the importance of preschool teachers’ attention to the prospective object and purpose of teaching movement, but also of teachers’ competence and the need for conscious strategies for teaching movement. Through well-grounded didaktik choices, children can be offered good opportunities to experience and explore movement.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö universitet, 2022
Didactics, movement, preschool teaching
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-54972 (URN)10.24834/educare.2022.5.5 (DOI)
Available from: 2022-09-17 Created: 2022-09-17 Last updated: 2023-07-05Bibliographically approved
Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2022). Flerstämmig kvalitet (1ed.). In: Åsén, Gunnar (Ed.), Perspektiv på systematiskt kvalitetsarbete: (pp. 67-107). Stockholm: Liber
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Flerstämmig kvalitet
2022 (Swedish)In: Perspektiv på systematiskt kvalitetsarbete / [ed] Åsén, Gunnar, Stockholm: Liber, 2022, 1, p. 67-107Chapter in book (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Tidigare forskning kring kvalitet och kvalitetsarbete i förskolan har varit mest inriktad på lärande och på verksamhetens struktur, process och resultat. Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth öppnar i sitt kapitel upp för användningen av begreppet didaktisk kvalitet som undervisningsinriktad kvalitet som prövas och görs i samverkan. Vikten av att flera aktörer, inte minst barnen, inkluderas i kvalitetsarbetet betonas, det som benämns flerstämmighet. Undervisningsäventyr, didaktiska modeller och didaktiskt omdöme introduceras i arbetet med att utveckla flerstämmig kvalitet.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Liber, 2022 Edition: 1
Didaktik, flerstämmig kvalitet, förskola, kvalitetsarbete.
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-55049 (URN)978-91-47-14430-3 (ISBN)
Available from: 2022-09-21 Created: 2022-09-21 Last updated: 2024-06-11Bibliographically approved
Palla, L. & Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2022). Inclusive ideals and special educational tools in and out of tact: didactical voices on teaching in language and communication in Swedish early childhood education. International Journal of Early Years Education, 30(2), 387-402
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Inclusive ideals and special educational tools in and out of tact: didactical voices on teaching in language and communication in Swedish early childhood education
2022 (English)In: International Journal of Early Years Education, ISSN 0966-9760, E-ISSN 1469-8463, Vol. 30, no 2, p. 387-402Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this research is to highlight didactical voices on inclusive ideals and special educational tools noted in the written reflections of 178 preschool teachers in 10 Swedish municipalities. The research questions are as follows: How do preschool teachers signify inclusive ideals in written reflections of teaching in language and communication in preschools? Which special educational tools emerge in the written reflections about teaching in language and communication in preschool, and how are these tools said to be used? The material was analysed with multi-voiced didactic modelling and didactical tact as a theoretical base. The results show that there are didactical voices on inclusion in the analysed material. The core foundation of the teaching appears to be built upon inclusive ideals where all children are involved, included and part of the group. Utterances of a more individual character are sparingly present. In our interpretation, the (special) educational tools that are brought to the fore are described and used in an inclusive way and are didactically modelled into more general, rather than specialised, tools.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor & Francis, 2022
Inclusion, multi-voiced didactic modelling in and out of tact, preschool special education, Swedish early childhood education, teaching in language and communication
National Category
Research subject
Child and youth studies
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-17391 (URN)10.1080/09669760.2020.1733939 (DOI)000798875700011 ()2-s2.0-85113179022 (Scopus ID)

Published online: 24 Feb 2020

Available from: 2020-06-02 Created: 2020-06-02 Last updated: 2024-02-05Bibliographically approved
Holmberg, Y., Stensson, C. & Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2022). Lyssnandets didaktik som grundton i flerstämmig undervisning – exemplet rytmatik. Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 19(4), 183-205
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Lyssnandets didaktik som grundton i flerstämmig undervisning – exemplet rytmatik
2022 (Swedish)In: Nordisk Barnehageforskning, E-ISSN 1890-9167, Vol. 19, no 4, p. 183-205Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Artikeln baseras på en delstudie i ett FoU-program1 som syftar till att beskriva och vidareutveckla kunskap om vad som kan känneteckna undervisning i förskola. Programmet och delstudien genomförs i samverkan mellan förskollärare, ledare och forskare. Medverkande utprövar fyra teoriinformerade undervisningsupplägg varav föreliggande artikel fokuserar ett didaktiskt och poststrukturellt informerat upplägg. Artikeln vägleds av frågan: Vad kan känneteckna innehåll i undervisning utifrån ett didaktiskt och poststrukturellt informerat undervisningsupplägg med fokus på musik och matematik i förskolan? Artikeln syftar specifikt till att pröva begreppen ”lyssnandets didaktik” och ”rytmatik”. En didaktiskt orienterad abduktiv analys har genomförts. Resultatet öppnar för att den innehållskombination som begreppet rytmatik erbjuder kan prövas som alternativ till mer ämnesinriktad musik- och/eller matematikundervisning där grundtonen för flerstämmig undervisning är lyssnandets didaktik. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2022
lyssnandets didaktik, musik, matematik, undervisning
National Category
Social Sciences
Research subject
Child and youth studies
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-56916 (URN)10.23865/nbf.v19.236 (DOI)

This article describes a substudy of a R&D-programme that investigated teaching in preschool based on scientific theory and proven experience. The collaborative project involved researchers, preschool teachers and administrators. It examined realistic cases in which participants tested theory-informed teaching arrangements. The aim of the article is to try out the concept of listening didactics and rythmatics. The research question is: «What might characterise teaching in preschool based on a didactic and poststructurally informed teaching approach with a focus on musical-mathematics?» Taking a didactics-based poststructural approach, preschool teachers implemented musical-mathematics teaching. A didactically oriented abductive analysis was done. The results show that the content focus of rhythmatics can be tested as an alternative to more disciplinary music and/or mathematics teaching where the keynote in a multivocal teaching is a listening didactic. 

Available from: 2022-12-27 Created: 2022-12-27 Last updated: 2024-07-04Bibliographically approved
Multivocal didactic modelling in preschool; Malmö University

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