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Liveng, A., Eriksson, J. & Christensen, J. (2024). Diversitet og utraditionelle læringsaktiviteter: Erfaringer fra et ph.d.-kursus om aldrende samfund. Viden om aldring, 40(1)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Diversitet og utraditionelle læringsaktiviteter: Erfaringer fra et ph.d.-kursus om aldrende samfund
2024 (Danish)In: Viden om aldring, Vol. 40, no 1, p. 4Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Abstract [da]

Som komplekse og sammenvævede problemstillinger kan aldring og aldrendesamfund udforskes fra utalligevinkler – både teoretisk og empirisk. Samtidig kalder udfordringer forbundet med aldrende samfund på øgetforskning, ikke mindst for også atsynliggøre, hvilke ressourcer ældremennesker bidrager med i dagenssamfund. At favne kompleksitetenvar en ambition i udviklingen af etph.d.-kursus indenfor aldringsfeltet med fokus på humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige tilgange.De studerendes tilbagemeldinger fra kurset pegede på, at mangfoldighed i nationale og videnskabelige baggrunde, i kombination med en rækkeutraditionelle læringsaktiviteter, bidrog til de studerendes engagement, erfaringsudveksling og udvikling afegne forskningsprojekter.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Vanløse: Dansk Gerontologisk Selskab, 2024. p. 4
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-68069 (URN)


Available from: 2024-06-03 Created: 2024-06-03 Last updated: 2024-06-04Bibliographically approved
Thönnessen, J. & Christensen, J. (2024). Exploring the relevance of sustainability values and principles - impact of International Social Education (ISE) in a local context. ScienceOpen Research (240326)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Exploring the relevance of sustainability values and principles - impact of International Social Education (ISE) in a local context
2024 (English)In: ScienceOpen Research, E-ISSN 2199-1006, no 240326Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This article explores the relevance of sustainability in international social education (ISE). Our empirical data is based on a survey of social work students from Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Sweden. Theoretically, we draw on Bronfenbrenner’s theory of social ecosystems and Dewey’s emphasis on democratic learning. We use a qualitative approach based on Strauss’ Grounded Theory, which allows us to dig deep into the meanings of the students thematic reflections. The students experienced that learning in an international context is learning with all senses, is a “24/7 learning”, and is learning in another language (at least most of the time). The results of our survey underline that acquiring knowledge in an international context contributes to a comprehensive understanding of social work as a profession and to the formation of a broad and professional identity. This includes a wide range of critical and systemic thinking skills that enable enquiry, integration and holistic thinking, i.e. sustainability.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Berlin: ScienceOpen, 2024
Sustainability, Internationalization, Social Education, Experience, Professional Identity
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-66515 (URN)10.14293/s2199-1006.1.sor.2024.0001.v1 (DOI)
Available from: 2024-03-27 Created: 2024-03-27 Last updated: 2024-08-19Bibliographically approved
Christensen, J. (2024). Glocalization and Sustainability in Education: Reflective Perspectives in Social Work. In: Sigurður A. Rohloff; Lena Lokschin (Ed.), Die Zukunft der Sozialen Arbeit: Chancen und neue Herausforderungen (pp. 141-153). Wiesbaden: Springer Nature
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Glocalization and Sustainability in Education: Reflective Perspectives in Social Work
2024 (English)In: Die Zukunft der Sozialen Arbeit: Chancen und neue Herausforderungen / [ed] Sigurður A. Rohloff; Lena Lokschin, Wiesbaden: Springer Nature, 2024, p. 141-153Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This chapter is a theoretically based reflection on how social work education could be developed as there is a growing awareness that social work is an international profession. This due to societal challenges and comparable sustainable developments. Societal challenges become more complex to face and we´ll need more of a holistic understanding in which levels of knowledge acquisition out of different perspectives is a part when countering societal crises and changes. This call for a focus on Glocal awareness and perspectives in social work education in curriculum development. A Social Ecological and Challenge Based Learning approach could strengthen this. 

Abstract [de]

Dieser Artikel ist eine theoretisch fundierte Reflexion darüber, wie die Ausbildung in Sozialer Arbeit aus einer vergleichenden Perspektive entwickelt werden könnte, da das Bewusstsein wächst, dass Sozialarbeit eine internationale Profession ist. Dies hängt mit gesellschaftlichem Wandel und vergleichbaren nachhaltigen Entwicklungen zusammen. Die Bewältigung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen wird immer komplexer, und wir benötigen ein ganzheitliches Verständnis, in dem die Ebenen des Wissenserwerbs aus verschiedenen Perspektiven eine Rolle spielen. Dies erfordert einen Schwerpunkt auf einem Glokalen Bewusstsein und vergleichenden Perspektiven in der Ausbildung zur Sozialen Arbeit. Ein auf sozial-ökologischem und gesellschaftlichem Wandel basierter Lernansatz könnte dies stärken.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Wiesbaden: Springer Nature, 2024
Social work education, glocal, profession, societal challenges, sustainability
National Category
Social Work Pedagogy
Research subject
Health and society
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-70779 (URN)10.1007/978-3-658-44321-4_7 (DOI)978-3-658-44320-7 (ISBN)978-3-658-44321-4 (ISBN)
Available from: 2024-09-03 Created: 2024-09-03 Last updated: 2024-09-04Bibliographically approved
Lukic, S., Lethin, C., Christensen, J. & Malmgren Fänge, A. (2024). Reflexive Views of Virtual Communities of Practice among Informal and Formal Caregivers of People with a Dementia Disease. Healthcare, 12(13), 1-11
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Reflexive Views of Virtual Communities of Practice among Informal and Formal Caregivers of People with a Dementia Disease
2024 (English)In: Healthcare, E-ISSN 2227-9032, Vol. 12, no 13, p. 1-11Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Knowledge seems to mitigate the consequences of dementia and new educational strategiesare required. This study aimed to qualitatively explore the reflexive views and experiences of virtual Communities of Practice (vCoP) among informal and formal caregivers of people with dementia and explore vCoP as a tool for learning and knowledge development. Data were collected in a sequence of virtual workshops and analyzed and synthesized using thematic analysis. For the informal caregivers, one main theme emerged: Learning and support, comprising three subthemes: Strategies for learning; Creating emotional support; and in need of professional support. Among formal caregivers, one main theme emerged: Professional development, comprising two subthemes: Sharing and gaining knowledge and Knowledge as a professional tool. vCoP and collaborative learning using an educational platform seem to support learning and professional development among informal and formal caregivers, respectively. As a collaborative, virtual activities seem to provide practical and emotional support and promote professional development; vCoP seem to have the potential to promote the resilience and sustainability of care. Further research is necessary to gain an understanding of the effects of Communities of Practice (CoP) and vCoP and their successful implementation in care practices aswell as the potential of using CoP in continuing professional development, CPD.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Basel: MDPI, 2024
digital education; knowledge; KnowDem project; learning; professional development; thematic analysis; workshops
National Category
Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy Pedagogy
Research subject
Health and society
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-69662 (URN)10.3390/healthcare12131285 (DOI)001269798100001 ()38998820 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85198333944 (Scopus ID)
The Kamprad Family Foundation, 20210190
Available from: 2024-06-30 Created: 2024-06-30 Last updated: 2024-08-02Bibliographically approved
Dedzoe, J.-S. D., Malmgren Fänge, A., Christensen, J. & Lethin, C. (2023). Collaborative Learning through a Virtual Community of Practice in Dementia Care Support: A Scoping Review. Healthcare, 11(5), 692-692
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Collaborative Learning through a Virtual Community of Practice in Dementia Care Support: A Scoping Review
2023 (English)In: Healthcare, E-ISSN 2227-9032, Vol. 11, no 5, p. 692-692Article, review/survey (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this scoping review was to identify, synthesize, and report research on reflective collaborative learning through virtual communities of practice (vCoP), which, to our knowledge, is scarce. A second aim was to identify, synthesize, and report research on the facilitators and barriers associated with resilience capacity and knowledge acquisition through vCoP. The literature was searched in PsycINFO, CINAHL, Medline, EMBASE, Scopus, and Web of Science. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) and Meta-Analyses for Scoping Reviews (ScR) framework guided the review. Ten studies were included in the review, seven quantitative and three qualitative studies, written in English and published from January 2017 to February 2022. The data were synthesized using a numerical descriptive summary and qualitative thematic analysis. Two themes: ‘knowledge acquisition’ and ‘strengthening resilience capacity’ emerged. The literature synthesis provides evidence of a vCoP as a digital space that supports knowledge acquisition and strengthens resilience for persons with dementia, and their informal and formal caregivers. Hence, the use of vCoP seems to be useful for dementia care support. Further studies including less developed countries are, however, needed to enable generalizability of the concept of vCoP across countries.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
MDPI, 2023
dementia, formal caregivers, informal caregivers, reflective collaborative learning, resilience capacity, virtual community of practice
National Category
Pedagogy Medical and Health Sciences
Research subject
Health and society
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-58410 (URN)10.3390/healthcare11050692 (DOI)000947323900001 ()36900696 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85149802352 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2023-02-28 Created: 2023-02-28 Last updated: 2023-05-15Bibliographically approved
Christensen, J. & Wärnsby, A. (2023). Reflective Writing in Course Design for Active Learning in Social Work Education. Journal of social work education, 59(3), 756-771
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Reflective Writing in Course Design for Active Learning in Social Work Education
2023 (English)In: Journal of social work education, ISSN 1043-7797, E-ISSN 2163-5811, Vol. 59, no 3, p. 756-771Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This qualitative study explores student learning progression through reflective writing on a tertiary-level course in social work. The study is based on the content analysis of three sets of data: student reflective writing, instructor formative feedback on this writing, and student end-of-course reflections. Our findings demonstrate that structured, scaffolded reflection and continuous formative feedback stimulated learning progression, increased awareness of one’s own learning strategies, and supported the adoption of an explorative, reflective stance in students. Therefore, the experimental course design with several reflective tasks created the sought-after intersection of the academic and professional literacies. This design stimulated student engagement and resulted in high attendance. This design is particularly suitable in heterogeneous classrooms and promotes student inclusion and active learning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Routledge, 2023
reflective writing, active learning, social work education
National Category
General Language Studies and Linguistics Educational Sciences Social Work
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-60714 (URN)10.1080/10437797.2023.2213285 (DOI)001007690800001 ()2-s2.0-85161888848 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2023-06-14 Created: 2023-06-14 Last updated: 2023-10-18Bibliographically approved
Malmgren Fänge, A., Christensen, J., Backhouse, T., Kenkmann, A., Killett, A., Fisher, O., . . . Lethin, C. (2022). Care Home and Home Care Staff’s Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beliefs about Subsequent Changes in the Future: A Survey Study in Sweden, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom. Healthcare, 10(2), 1-13
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Care Home and Home Care Staff’s Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beliefs about Subsequent Changes in the Future: A Survey Study in Sweden, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom
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2022 (English)In: Healthcare, E-ISSN 2227-9032, Vol. 10, no 2, p. 1-13Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this study was to compare perceptions of learning from the COVID-19 pandemic and beliefs in subsequent changes for the future, among care home and home care staff, in four European countries. A 29-item on-line questionnaire was designed in English and later translated into Swedish, Italian, and German on the impact of the pandemic on stress and anxiety. Anonymous data from care staff respondents was collected in four countries between 07.10.2020 and the 17.12.2020: Sweden (n = 212), Italy (n = 103), Germany (n = 120), and the United Kingdom (n = 167). While care staff in all countries reported learning in multiple areas of care practice, Italy reported the highest levels of learning and the most agreement that changes will occur in the future due to the pandemic. Conversely, care staff in Germany reported low levels of learning and reported the least agreement for change in the future. While the pandemic has strained care home and home care staff practices, our study indicates that much learning of new skills and knowledge has taken place within the workforce. Our study has demonstrated the potential of cross-border collaborations and experiences for enhancing knowledge acquisition in relation to societal challenges and needs. The results could be built upon to improve future health care and care service practices.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Basel: MDPI, 2022
care home, COVID-19, digital technology, home care, learning, organization, resilience, staff experience, survey
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Health and society; Organisational studies
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-49968 (URN)10.3390/healthcare10020306 (DOI)000767116300001 ()35206920 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85124354105 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2022-02-07 Created: 2022-02-07 Last updated: 2024-02-05Bibliographically approved
Christersson, C. E., Melin, M., Widén, P., Ekelund, N., Christensen, J., Lundegren, N. & Staaf, P. (2022). Challenge-Based Learning in Higher Education: A Malmö University Position Paper. International Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 3(1), 1-14
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Challenge-Based Learning in Higher Education: A Malmö University Position Paper
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2022 (English)In: International Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, ISSN 2644-1624, Vol. 3, no 1, p. 1-14Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Higher education institutions (HEIs) have a pivotal role in fulfilling the social dimension of sustainability and contributing to a complex changing society. To meet these challenges, Malmö University has in interdisciplinary groups researched the role of challenge-based learning (CBL) in relation to staff, students, disciplines, and stakeholders. This position paper is based on that work. Malmö University argues that with a CBL approach, HEIs will actively contribute to the building of a sustainable learning society through collaboration in education, research, and innovation. This paper theoretically explores the CBL approach as a collaborative learning exchange within HEIs and society at large. CBL is defined through eight key elements, clustered as entities of three domains: diversity and inclusion, co-creation and collaboration, and change agents and contextual challenges. These are discussed and empirically exemplified with the purpose to support designing, planning, and accomplishing CBL in teaching and learning in HE for a global learning society.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
IGI Global, 2022
Adult Learning, CBL, Challenge-Based Learning, Change Agents, Co-Creation, Diversity, Higher Education, Inclusion, Learning and Teaching, Learning Society, Position Paper, Student Active Learning, Transformation
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-54701 (URN)10.4018/ijitlhe.306650 (DOI)
Available from: 2022-09-03 Created: 2022-09-03 Last updated: 2022-09-05Bibliographically approved
Christensen, J., Altenreiter, M. & Meixner, K. (2022). Remote is not so far away: A self-reflective case of internationalisation using collaborative online international learning in social work education. Tiltai, 89(2), 1-17
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Remote is not so far away: A self-reflective case of internationalisation using collaborative online international learning in social work education
2022 (English)In: Tiltai, ISSN 1392-3137, Vol. 89, no 2, p. 1-17Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper aims to reflect on internationalisation in social work education in a collaborative context. The research question addressed is how collaborative online international learning (COIL) supports the concept of Internationalisation at Home (IaH) to promote glocal knowledge in innovative social work education. The study is case-based, in which a thematic webinar on human rights issues connected students of social work from various countries in an international classroom. It discusses how the concept of Internationalisation at Home can be used effectively in practice through participatory design and participant feedback. The main conclusion of this case-based paper is that social work education should promote innovative learning scenarios that support the glocal approach, so that students are able to ‘act locally and think globally’, supported by a blended learning design.

Abstract [lt]

Straipsnyje siekiama reflektyviai apmąstyti internacionalizaciją socialinio darbo studijose žvelgiant bendradarbiavimo aspektu. Tyrimo klausimas, kaip mokymasis bendradarbiaujant nuotolinių tarptautinių studijų atveju dera su internacionalizacijos namuose sąvoka ir plečia glokalias žinias inovatyvių socialinio darbo studijų atveju. Atvejo analize paremtam tyrimui atlikti pasitelktas nuotolinis seminaras, kuriame studentai iš įvairių šalių susirinkę vienoje auditorijoje mokėsi kartu su nuotoliu prisijungusiais užsienio studentais. Analizuojama, kaip internacionalizacijos namuose sąvoka gali būti veiksmingai vartojama praktiškai, taikant dalyvių įtraukimą ir grįžtamąjį ryšį. Kadangi ypatingų iššūkių kelia migracijos problema, pagrindine išvada teigiama, kad socialinio darbo studijos turėtų taikyti inovatyvaus mokymosi metodus, kurie skatina glokalų požiūrį, ugdo gebėjimą lokaliai veikti ir globaliai mąstyti bei derina, mišrias mokymosi formas.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Klaipedos universitetas, 2022
social work education, Internationalisation at Home, blended learning, collaboration, glocal., socialinio darbo studijos, internacionalizacija namuose, mišrus mokymasis, bendradarbiavimas, glokalus
National Category
Educational Sciences Pedagogy
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-56960 (URN)10.15181/tbb.v88i1.2495 (DOI)
Available from: 2022-12-31 Created: 2022-12-31 Last updated: 2025-01-14Bibliographically approved
Lethin, C., Kenkmann, A., Chiatti, C., Christensen, J., Backhouse, T., Killett, A., . . . Malmgren Fänge, A. (2021). Organizational Support Experiences of Care Home and Home Care Staff in Sweden, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare, 9(6), 2-16, Article ID 767.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Organizational Support Experiences of Care Home and Home Care Staff in Sweden, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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2021 (English)In: Healthcare, E-ISSN 2227-9032, Vol. 9, no 6, p. 2-16, article id 767Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected care workers all over the globe, as older and more vulnerable people face a high risk of developing severe symptoms and dying from the virus infection. The aim of this study was to compare staff experiences of stress and anxiety as well as internal and external organizational support in Sweden, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom (UK) in order to determine how care staff were affected by the pandemic. A 29-item online questionnaire was used to collect data from care staff respondents: management (n = 136), nurses (n = 132), nursing assistants (n = 195), and other healthcare staff working in these organizations (n = 132). Stress and anxiety levels were highest in the UK and Germany, with Swedish staff showing the least stress. Internal and external support only partially explain the outcomes. Striking discrepancies between different staff groups’ assessment of organizational support as well as a lack of staff voice in the UK and Germany could be key factors in understanding staff’s stress levels during the pandemic. Structural, political, cultural, and economic factors play a significant role, not only factors within the care organization or in the immediate context.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Basel: MDPI, 2021
COVID-19, care home, home care, organizational support, staff experience, survey
National Category
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
Research subject
Health and society; Organisational studies; Arbete och organisation
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-43876 (URN)10.3390/healthcare9060767 (DOI)000666173900001 ()34205430 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85109108688 (Scopus ID)
Covid transnational research collaborationCareSam network
Available from: 2021-06-21 Created: 2021-06-21 Last updated: 2024-02-05Bibliographically approved
AgeSam – Aging and Demographic Changes in late modern society; Publications
Liveng, A., Eriksson, J. & Christensen, J. (2024). Diversitet og utraditionelle læringsaktiviteter: Erfaringer fra et ph.d.-kursus om aldrende samfund. Viden om aldring, 40(1)
Welfare Technology of Knowledge Transfer: Cross-Community Knowledge Sharing (TechKnow)

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