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Örbring, David
Publications (10 of 15) Show all publications
Jankell, L. D., Sandahl, J. & Örbring, D. (2021). Organising concepts in geography education: a model. Geography, 106, 66-75
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Organising concepts in geography education: a model
2021 (English)In: Geography, ISSN 0016-7487, E-ISSN 2043-6564, Vol. 106, p. 66-75Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This article presents a model for organising geographical concepts that aims to support teachers' choices of what to teach and how to organise a cohesive and appropriate teaching plan for school geography. The model is a result of a collaborative research process between researchers and Swedish teachers. The purpose was to explore how the core concepts of geography, which are implicit in the Swedish syllabus (orbring, 2017), can be used in teaching as powerful tools for learning (Brooks, 2018) and to develop epistemic teaching practices for school geography to counterbalance the traditional focus on content (Eriksson and Lindberg, 2016; Knorr-Cetina, 1999). During professional development seminars, teachers' experiences were linked to procedural concepts in geography (i.e. concepts that mediate specific geographical ways of thinking and doing (Lambert, 2011)), used at an organisational level in line with models introduced by Taylor (2008). This article describes a model that integrates geographical concepts and suggests how they could be used as tools in relation to each other as well as to specific content. Here, we present the considerations behind the structure and functions of the model, and teachers' reflections on producing and using it in class as a way to develop students' geographical knowing.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor & Francis, 2021
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-43988 (URN)10.1080/00167487.2021.1919406 (DOI)000647690000003 ()2-s2.0-85109141249 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2021-06-23 Created: 2021-06-23 Last updated: 2024-02-05Bibliographically approved
Örbring, D. & Sjöström, J. (2021). Science Studies (“naturkunskap”) as a school subject – implications for teaching. In: : . Paper presented at Teachers Matter – but How?; an international conference on Didaktik, pedagogy, and classroom research, October 13-15, 2021, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden..
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Science Studies (“naturkunskap”) as a school subject – implications for teaching
2021 (Swedish)Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

A subject in school is a construction and way to organize knowledge in the curriculum (Örbring 2021). The curriculum can, in turn, be viewed at different levels (Doyle 1992) or in different arenas (Wahlström 2014). At the programmatic level, school subjects are constructed in writing through various actors and decisions. In this process, the actors make choices and evaluate the knowledge that each subject must contain. Science Studies (“naturkunskap”) is a subject in the Swedish upper secondary school which is a complex construction that draws content from several different academic disciplines. The purpose of this study is to investigate how science studies were constructed on a programmatic level in the 2011 curriculum, and what values ​​of knowledge were made by different actors (or stakeholders) in this process. The theoretical starting point is curriculum theory in terms of levels (Doyle 1992), arenas (Wahlström 2014) and pedagogical device (1990) and vertical and horizontal knowledge (Bernstein 1990; 1999). Also relevant are theories regarding knowledge in school subjects, such as those by Deng and Luke (2008) and Carlgren (2020). Furthermore, Klafki’s Didaktik analytical questions will be applied (e.g. Sjöström & Eilks 2020). The method is qualitative and draws inspiration from an earlier study of geography education (Örbring 2020). This study consists of analyses of documents from the process of making the steering documents for the curriculum, such as minutes, drafts, comments, meeting notes and working materials. A content analysis will be made of these documents, found in the archives of the National Agency for Education. Expected findings are about describing how the Science Studies subject was constructed, what knowledge is included, as well as whether there were/are different values, traditions and conflicts in the subject. Our hypothesis and preliminary analysis – based on reading of the syllabus as well as own experience – is that in Science Studies there is a subject identity tension between being a natural science subject (based on biology, chemistry, physics and earth science) and a societal- and environmental-oriented social science subject (based on themes such as sustainable development, energy and health issues). Related to this tension is the question of what role the Science Studies subject has in the Swedish education system. Science Studies can be seen as a continuation of the science subjects in compulsory school, or alternatively, a value-oriented interdisciplinary subject. In the presentation we will especially focus on the implications of the curriculum and Didaktik analysis for teachers and teaching.

school subject, science studies, identity, tension, curriculum theory, curriculum construction, didaktik analysis, skolämne, naturkunskap, identitet, spänning, läroplansteori, läroplanskonstruktion, didaktisk analys
National Category
Research subject
Science education
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-47488 (URN)
Teachers Matter – but How?; an international conference on Didaktik, pedagogy, and classroom research, October 13-15, 2021, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.
Available from: 2021-12-13 Created: 2021-12-13 Last updated: 2023-08-25Bibliographically approved
Örbring, D. & Dessen Jankell, L. (Eds.). (2020). Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9. Gleerups Utbildning AB
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9
2020 (Swedish)Collection (editor) (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020. p. 245
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18114 (URN)9789151102719 (ISBN)
Available from: 2020-08-20 Created: 2020-08-20 Last updated: 2024-06-11Bibliographically approved
Örbring, D. (2020). Kunskap, betyg och bedömning i skolgeografi. In: Lotta Dessen Janker, David Örbring (Ed.), Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9: (pp. 35-54). Gleerups Utbildning AB
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Kunskap, betyg och bedömning i skolgeografi
2020 (Swedish)In: Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9 / [ed] Lotta Dessen Janker, David Örbring, Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020, p. 35-54Chapter in book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18429 (URN)9789151102719 (ISBN)
Available from: 2020-10-01 Created: 2020-10-01 Last updated: 2024-06-11Bibliographically approved
Örbring, D., Dessen Jankell, L. & Sandahl, J. (2020). Tankeredskap som stöd för geografiundervisning. In: Lotta Dessen Jankell, David Örbring (Ed.), Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9: (pp. 55-98). Gleerups Utbildning AB
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Tankeredskap som stöd för geografiundervisning
2020 (Swedish)In: Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9 / [ed] Lotta Dessen Jankell, David Örbring, Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020, p. 55-98Chapter in book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18430 (URN)9789151102719 (ISBN)
Available from: 2020-10-01 Created: 2020-10-01 Last updated: 2024-06-11Bibliographically approved
Örbring, D., Dessen Jankell, L. & Einarsson, E. (2020). Tidsmedvetenhet: långa tidsperspektiv och naturgeografiska processer. In: Lotta Dessen Janker, David Örbring (Ed.), Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9: (pp. 219-244). Gleerups Utbildning AB
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Tidsmedvetenhet: långa tidsperspektiv och naturgeografiska processer
2020 (Swedish)In: Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9 / [ed] Lotta Dessen Janker, David Örbring, Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020, p. 219-244Chapter in book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18431 (URN)9789151102719 (ISBN)
Available from: 2020-10-01 Created: 2020-10-01 Last updated: 2024-06-11Bibliographically approved
Schubert, P., Larsson, K. & Örbring, D. (2020). Undervisning med geografiska informationssystem i årskurserna 7-9 (1ed.). In: Lotta Dessen Jankell, David Örbring (Ed.), Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9: (pp. 197-217). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Undervisning med geografiska informationssystem i årskurserna 7-9
2020 (Swedish)In: Geografididaktik för lärare 4-9 / [ed] Lotta Dessen Jankell, David Örbring, Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020, 1, p. 197-217Chapter in book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2020 Edition: 1
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18115 (URN)9789151102719 (ISBN)
Available from: 2020-08-20 Created: 2020-08-20 Last updated: 2024-06-11Bibliographically approved
Blennow, K., Brunnström, P. & Örbring, D. (Eds.). (2019). En historiker korsar sitt spår: En vänbok till Roger Johansson om att lära sig av historien och lära ut historia. Malmö universitet
Open this publication in new window or tab >>En historiker korsar sitt spår: En vänbok till Roger Johansson om att lära sig av historien och lära ut historia
2019 (English)Collection (editor) (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Det här är en vänbok till Roger Johansson, professor i historia med didaktisk inriktning vid Malmö universitet samt professor i utbildningsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet. Bokens kapitel omsluter en stor bredd av ämnen och ingångar i historia och historiedidaktik, vilket illustrerar Johanssons mångfacetterade gärning som forskare, lärare, pedagog och folkbildare.

Abstract [en]

This is an homage volume to Roger Johansson, professor of history with didactic focus at Malmö University and professor of educational sciences at Lund University. The book's chapter covers a wide range of topics and approaches to history and history didactics, which illustrates Johansson's multifaceted work as a researcher, teacher and popular educator.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö universitet, 2019. p. 271
Skrifter med historiska perspektiv, ISSN 1652-2761 ; 22
History, Historia, Historiedidaktik, Utbildningsvetenskap
National Category
Humanities and the Arts
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-8431 (URN)10.24834/isbn.9789178770458 (DOI)30507 (Local ID)978-91-7877-033-5 (ISBN)978-91-7877-045-8 (ISBN)30507 (Archive number)30507 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-02-28 Created: 2020-02-28 Last updated: 2023-10-05Bibliographically approved
Örbring, D. (2019). Skolan som plats. In: Blennow, Katarina; Brunnström, Pål; Örbring, David (Ed.), En historiker korsar sitt spår: En vänbok till Roger Johansson om att lära sig av historien och lära ut historia (pp. 193-204). Malmö universitet
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Skolan som plats
2019 (Swedish)In: En historiker korsar sitt spår: En vänbok till Roger Johansson om att lära sig av historien och lära ut historia / [ed] Blennow, Katarina; Brunnström, Pål; Örbring, David, Malmö universitet, 2019, p. 193-204Chapter in book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö universitet, 2019
Plats, skola
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18057 (URN)978-91-7877-033-5 (ISBN)978-91-7877-045-8 (ISBN)
Available from: 2020-08-20 Created: 2020-08-20 Last updated: 2022-07-06Bibliographically approved
Örbring, D. & Grahn, M. (2018). Betyg och bedömning. In: Persson, Anders (Ed.), Blivande lärare och deras lärare: Introduktion till lärarutbildningen (pp. 132-147). Liber
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Betyg och bedömning
2018 (Swedish)In: Blivande lärare och deras lärare: Introduktion till lärarutbildningen / [ed] Persson, Anders, Liber, 2018, p. 132-147Chapter in book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Liber, 2018
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18106 (URN)9789147128464 (ISBN)
Available from: 2020-08-20 Created: 2020-08-20 Last updated: 2020-11-04Bibliographically approved

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