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2023 (English)In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) / [ed] P. Drijvers, C. Csapodi, H. Palmér, K. Gosztonyi, & E. Kónya, 2023, p. 4524-4531Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
Inclusive mathematics education is a complex and multifaceted, under-researched area where research often requires collaboration between various fields of study – mathematics education, special education, pedagogy, psychology, etc. The Thematic Working Group ‘TWG25 – Challenges for Students with Special Needs’, established in 2019, is one of the platforms opening up space for collaborative research in this area. This means that TWG25 embraces research in very different fields of mathematics, research from the point of view of teachers, pupils, teacher education and classroom practices at all school levels from preschool education to upper secondary, even university level. The presented papers and posters give the opportunity to share but also to grow aware of what the field of inclusive mathematics education involves in an international context. Apart from the topics of the single papers and posters more general questions of inclusive mathematics are discussed in this introduction.
Inclusive mathematics, special education, teacher education, classroom practices, beliefs.
National Category
Research subject
Mathematics education
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-65540 (URN)978-963-7031-04-5 (ISBN)
Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), 10-14 July 2023, Budapest, Hungary
2024-01-302024-01-302024-01-31Bibliographically approved