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2024 (engelsk)Inngår i: Suomen ainedidaktisen tutkimusseura / Studies in Subject Didactics, ISSN 1799-9596, Vol. 25, s. 66-91Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]
In the context of humanistic Bildung-centred Didaktik, the educational potential of different school subjects is emphasized. But how can different school subjects collectively contribute to the ‘cultivation-of-human-powers’ and Bildung with a focus on sustainability? In this article, seven different school subjects are compared. Eleven teacher educators from Malmö University, Sweden, have written scholarly about the roles of their respective school subjects for Bildung and sustainability. Drawing from the texts related to the seven school subjects – geography, mathematics, physical education and health, religious education, science for citizenship, Swedish as a second language, and visual arts – a comparative analysis was conducted. The primary focus was to understand the unique characteristics of each school subject, explore their epistemic differences, and discern their potential roles in fostering cross-curricular didactics for Bildung and sustainability. It is shown that the different school subjects collectively provide complementary contributions to contemporary Bildung and climate change literacy.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Vasa: Finnish Research Association for Subject Didactics ; Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, 2024
curriculum, content, knowledge, transformation, knowledge contribution, school subject, curriculum subject, didactics, Didaktik, subject didactics, general subject didactics, cross-curricular, cross-curricular didactics, interdisciplinary, Bildung, contemporary Bildung, educational content, Klafki, Bildung dimension, material Bildung, formal Bildung, sustainability, citizenship, secondary school, subject education, geography, mathematics, physical education, religious education, science education, science studies, science for citizenship, language education, second language, L2, visual arts, comparative, epistemic, climate change education, climate change literacv, wicked problems, socio-scientific issues, Anthropocene, scientific literacy, future literacy, critical literacy, disciplinary literacy, capabilities, competences, knowings, powerful subject knowings, action competence, agency, innehåll, kunskap, kunskapsbidrag, skolämne, skolämnen, didaktik, ämnesdidaktik, allmän ämnesdidaktik, ämnesundervisning, ämnesövergripande, tvärvetenskap, bildning, allmänbildning, bildningskategorier, hållbarhet, geografi, matematik, idrott, idrott och hälsa, religionskunskap, naturkunskap, svenska som andraspråk, språk, bild, klimatundervisning
HSV kategori
urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-70227 (URN)978-952-5993-40-0 (ISBN)
NOFA 9 conference, May 9-11, 2023, at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa, Finland
2024-08-142024-08-142025-01-07bibliografisk kontrollert